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Scientific Poster Design

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Poster Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Poster Design
How to keep your poster from resembling an “abstract painting”

2 A poster can be better than giving a talk
More efficient because: • you totally bomb at giving talks • can be viewed while you nap • can hang in the department for years • can reach folks not in your field of research

3 Posters serve as… Kool, wow!, check this out!, you must be smart!
An advertisement of your hard work Kool, wow!, check this out!, you must be smart!

4 It’s just an illustrated abstract

5 Is my abstract effective?
Why should anyone care? What am I adding to current knowledge? Do I need to explain methods? Have I told them what I found and recommend?

6 A portrait of a grad student

7 @#&%!@#$, I have 12 hours to throw this thing together and get it printed before it’s due.

8 How do I get months and years of research onto my poster?
Your poster is a short story Describe a few major points Arouse the reader’s interest to read on Limit it to 250 words

9 Recite after me, Less is best!

10 Simplify your paper into poster format
Find out the size required!

11 Who’s my audience? Competitive coworkers Specialists? Wide ranging

12 Remember, most of these “scientists” come for the free food

13 Start putting together your 2 main elements

14 1) Simple, effective data displays
Don’t make them stand on their heads to read your data! Focus on relationships, exact values are usually not important Eliminate “chart junk” - not needed. Label data directly. Message is now loud and clear!

15 Keep it simple but effective

16 The need for chairs in front of your poster will not go over well
2) Small blocks of supporting text The need for chairs in front of your poster will not go over well

17 Your copy should answer…
Why? Methods? What do I recommend? What did I find? What am I adding?

18 I could actually read this


20 Pick a software program
Although you’ll probably gravitate towards PowerPoint, consider a true design program.

21 PowerPoint OK, but the colors will fool you Easy to use
Somewhat Inflexible Designed for overhead projection (be sure to print a color proof to see actual colors you have chosen) Power point is an overhead program for talks Colors are much more saturated than the screen shows

22 Adobe Illustrator or InDesign
Excellent More difficult to learn What you see is what you get Others: Canvas, Publish-It, Corel Draw,

23 Let’s design a poster!

24 Your poster title: Think BIG! Really Big!
Your biggest impact! Boldface type Not all caps! Readable from 5-7 meters Conclusion Draw viewers closer to see your imaginative and exciting study Group authors names and affiliations

25 The Secrets of Readable Text:
Never Don’t overcrowd your poster Arial Helvetica Times Univers Columns stay the same size

26 Leave breathing space around your text
Serif font works great here for the small text Same size and style in all blocks of copy

27 Conclusions first! Put the most important part first!
Short and to the point! Upper left hand corner If they like it, they will stick around!

28 Utter chaos will make folks dizzy!
Design it easy for the eye to follow Utter chaos will make folks dizzy!

29 This is the goal for easy reading

30 Can anyone read your poster?

31 Text sizes: Title: 85 point Authors: 56pt Sub-headings: 36pt
Body text: 24pt Captions: 18pt

32 Images and graphs say much more than words
Try for 50 50 Should be readable from 1-2 meters

33 Keep posters visual!

34 Picture perfect photos
Avoid resolution overkill! At least 150 dpi, but no more than 300 dpi Save photos as jpg or png Line art as a png (graphs) Web images are usually poor resolution 72 dpi

35 Line art is best displayed as a “png”
jpg (not as crisp) png

36 Your cool images mean nothing without a scale bar or description
This is a biological something that is…

37 Don’t forget your funding acknowledgements
Eng, ECE, BME, etc Your department can provide you with the required wording

38 Your contact info!!! Without it you’ll become “ya know, those guys with the awesome poster” Include all contact info: Mail address Phone

39 Using color to engage your readers
2-3 colors, no more! Dark type on light color background

40 Whoa! Where’s my sunglasses?
This attracts attention but tires out the eye

41 Be carefull with the primary colors


43 Be aware of busy backgrounds

44 This is an award winning poster, too the point,
simple images, easy to read in a couple minutes.

45 A little background color added

46 Edit, Edit, Edit and Evaluate!
Have your best friends Worst friends See if you can ace the 60 min evaluation

47 Print out a letter size draft
Can you read the type? Are these the colors you really want? Does it look too busy? Do my main points pop? Keep it simple

48 You’re not done yet… Prepare a 3-5 minute verbal explanation
Is he ever going to SHUT UP???

49 Prepare mini size poster handouts
Provides a written record for interested folks Makes you look “smart” Be sure to include complete contact information Might even get you a job! Have this available at your poster

50 Let’s judge some designs and see what you’ve learned

51 A bit text heavy but not too bad.

52 Nice poster

53 Where do I begin? Very unorganized No flow to text Very poor layout

54 I’m feeling sleepy Background images are distracting No graphics
White text on dark background

55 OK, but copy needs to be cut!
Flow of text is a bit unorganized Great graphics Some blocks of text are way too long

56 Perfect!

57 Oh my gawd! Nice graphics
White type on orange - what were they thinking Where is the title! Oh my gawd!

58 Nice flow, but a lighter background for reading
Nice flow of text Graphic are nice and simple Background is a little dark in spots

59 I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up
Where’s the title We see allot of this style Way to much text Images are great but that’s all I see White text on dark background I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up

60 Gorgeous!

61 Welcome to the 80’s Fer sure! Test columns too wide Trippy

62 This works!

63 LiLynn Graves College of Engineering Webmaster Cornell University Great Resources

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