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Psychographics: Values, Personality, and Lifestyles

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1 Psychographics: Values, Personality, and Lifestyles
Chapter 14 Psychographics: Values, Personality, and Lifestyles

2 Learning Objectives Values and the value system.
Western cultural values and factors that influence them, measuring values. Personality characteristics and behavior patterns. Lifestyles include activities, interests, and opinions and are used for psychographic applications in marketing.

3 Psychographics “A description of consumers on the basis of their psychological and behavioral characteristics.”

4 Chapter Overview: Psychographics: Values, Personality, and Lifestyles (Exhibit 14.1)

5 Values “. . . enduring beliefs [that] a given behavior or outcome is desirable or good.” Value system Values Global Terminal Instrumental Domain-specific

6 Values of Western Culture
Materialism Home Work and play Individualism Family and children Health Hedonism Youth Authenticity The environment Technology

7 Changing Values Why they change Influences on values Culture
Ethnic identification Social class Age

8 Culture and Values Individualism and collectivism
Uncertainty avoidance Masculinity versus femininity Power distance

9 Value Measurement Inferring values from cultural milieu
Means-end chain analysis: Attributes of product are important. Value questionnaires Rokeach Value Survey List of values

10 Example of Means-End Chain Analysis (Exhibit 14.8)

11 Personality “. . . distinctive patterns of behaviors, tendencies, qualities or personal dispositions that make one . . . different from another and lead to a consistent response to environmental stimuli.”

12 Research Approaches to Personality
Psychoanalytic—stages: Oral Anal Phallic Trait theories Phenomenological—Locus of control Social-psychological theories—Compliant aggressive versus detached Behavioral

13 Trait Conception of Personality Types (Exhibit 14.10)

14 Do Personality Characteristics Affect Consumer Behavior?
Optimal stimulation level Dogmatism Need for uniqueness Creativity Susceptibility to influence Frugality Self-monitoring National character Competitiveness

15 “. . . manifestations or actual patterns
Lifestyles “. . . manifestations or actual patterns of behavior.” Activities, interests, and opinions Market segmentation; e.g., busier lifestyles Communication; e.g., more fathers involved in child-rearing New product ideas; e.g., meet unfulfilled needs

16 Activities, Interests, and Opinions (Exhibit 14.13)

17 Combining Values, Personality, and Lifestyles
Values and Lifestyle Survey (VALS) Other applied psychographic research NOP World’s LifeMatrix Yankelovich MindBase

18 VALS American Segments (Exhibit 14.14)

19 LifeMatrix Segments (Exhibit 14.15)

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