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ATLAS Detector Controls

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1 ATLAS Detector Controls
Upgrade Plans for ATLAS Detector Controls S. Schlenker, CERN, Switzerland for the ATLAS DCS Community


3 ATLAS DCS is part of JCOP!
DCS Upgrades Field-Bus Network +Optical Links Main architecture design will be kept. LS2 New system integrations NewSmallWheels, FastTrackTrigger Electronics, … BE electronics: VME  PCIe, ATCA LS3 New all-silicon InnerTracKer Muons and calorimeters: FE electronics replacements ELMB replacement ATLAS DCS is part of JCOP!

4 DCS related Middleware
Front-End New Paradigm for On-Detector DCS Data Acquire DCS data via FE electronics and ship via optical links CAN BUS Power Supply ELMB CAVERN COUNTING ROOM Operator Interface ~ hundreds m Rack Server CANopen OPC Server CAN Interface WinCC OA + Trigger ~ hundreds m Common FE Interfaces Network DAQ Optical links DCS related Middleware GBT-based DCS Common ownership Network Interface Middleware Operator Interface COUNTING ROOM CAVERN WinCC OA Back-End

5 Front-End Main LS3+ Challenge: DCS Data from Common FE Electronics
Radiation levels rise by factor of 10 and more DCS Data from Common FE Electronics Common solutions: atm only GBT-SA? Dedicated ASICs, which also produce DCS data as e.g. for ITK Optical links: GBT-based ... Fieldbus interfaced (ELMB or similar) Clear need for getting data via (FE electronics-)independent path: Supervision needed during times when FE electronics OFF or DCS data acquisition in FE electronics not available Do not want to depend on shared optical transmission and its infrastructure for very critical DCS data (e.g. temps) Common solution: Fieldbus? CAN bus – reliable, long range, suitable for environment, have experience, Ethernet – widely used, bus solutions need hw additions (e.g. EtherCat) I/O concentrator: ELMB++ – proposed for phase II, more features and rad-tolerant, options still under discussion, need input!  FE&middleware mini-WS 2 GBT-SCA GBTX VTRX DC-DC

6 Back-End Hardware DAQ-related DCS Data Providers
Optical receivers: Receive FE data in counting room via e.g. GBT Not „owned“ by DCS, need to ship DCS data to DCS server on arrival via network, must be independent of DAQ!  FELIX, custom FE receivers (?) Critical: data availability and integrity, choose path with max independence Off-detector electronics: Other DCS data produced by off-detector electronics (e.g. calibration related) Control/monitoring of off-detector components themselves (crates, boards) DCS Hardware Components DCS BE platform: COTS rack server Field buses: CAN with Ethernet or USB CAN gateways, USB for low cost devices, Ethernet should become main fieldbus COTS power supplies: JCOP deliverables! Wiener, Iseg and CAEN solutions, new common solutions from PH/ESE?

7 Back-End Software FE-Interface Software Back-End Software
Aim for OPC Unified Architecture being the main middleware interface for DCS: see FE&middleware mini-workshop Count on JCOP to provide OPC UA servers for all supported hardware (power supplies, VME crates, xTCA?) Using OPC UA for CanOpen since 09/2013 in production – very stable Initiated and developed OPC UA server generation framework  quasar, in collaboration with EN/ICE IPbus OPC UA server released recently to interface BE electronics Planning to implement OPC UA server for GBT-SCA (via FELIX), make it common development with other JCOP collaborators? Aiming for embedded OPC UA running on off-detector electronics to avoid system specific integration protocols/solutions Back-End Software WinCC OA (= former PVSS) currently considered as only backbone SCADA solution also for Phase II Modernization efforts? Counting on python as new additional scripting language Adaption/creation of framework components needed to follow upgrade needs and evolution...

8 ATCA Integration Framework for WinCCOA Integration: fwATCA
Initial development by ATLAS Tile (R. Reed) and central DCS, FSM additions by CSC DCS (P. Moschovakos, K. Ntekas) Communication with shelf via SNMP: no communication software development needed Automatically discovers shelf contents and integrates it into WinCCOA application Used in already in production Requirements on ATCA shelf and boards Requires ATCA shelf with Pigeon Point shelf manager mezzanine (widely used) Board integration: Board IPM Controller must implement ATCA standard for shelf manager integration in order to make e.g. sensors visible Should be foreseen in board design and tested early!  Use CERN IPMC when available

9 Sub-Detector Upgrades
S. Kerstens, P. Phillips ITK Pixel and Strips separated Common interlocks and environment monitoring  ELMB successor? FE data: FELIX? Not clear BE-electronics: not clear yet Powering: from counting rooms, no FE-PS, Pixels: most likely serial power scheme for with dedicated control ASIC, Strips: local DC-DC solution LAr Calorimeter Replace on-detector power supplies with point-of- load system using DC-DC converters HV system remains ISEG based, uniformized ELMB successor considered to be used on- detector (radiation requirements: TID = 580 Gy, NIEL = 9.2*1012 neq/cm2, SEE = 2.4*1012 h/cm2) FE and BE electronics will be completely exchanged in Phase II  ATCA shelves, Phase I: 3 ATCA shelves S. Chekulaev, L. Hervas

10 T. Alexopoulos, S. Zimmermann
Sub-Detector Upgrades F. Martins, I. Pogrebnyak Tile Calorimeter Replace on-detector power supplies HV system remains custom (HV micro) ELMB successor considered to be used on-detector (radiation requirements: TID = 50.6 Gy, NIEL = 1.3*1012 neq/cm2, SEE = 2.7*1011 h/cm2) FE and BE electronics will be completely exchanged in Phase II  ? ATCA shelves FE data from FPGA GBT receiver to DCS via IPbus Muon New Small Wheels Installation already in Phase I (LS2) Two different technologies: microMeGas (MM) and sTGC Common temp and B-field monitoring Powering: CAEN for sTGC, MM to be decided FE data: various temperatures via GBT-SCA (~7k), +separate temp sensors and B-field read out via ELMBs BE-electronics: GBT+FELIX T. Alexopoulos, S. Zimmermann

11 TriggerDAQ & Common Infrastructure
Trigger Systems Four systems: L1Calo, FastTracKtrigger (FTK), L1Muons, L1Topo Few VME crates still planned Total number of foreseen ATCA shelves: Board monitoring either via shelf managers and IPMC (ideally CERN) or IPbus directly Pursuing partially custom developments: using Arduinos for fan tray control and special power supplies (powerONE PS, Wiener PS) P. Thompson Counting Room Rack Control Maybe need complete redesign of standard rack control and monitoring: PLC based Twido and switchboard control/monitoring ELMB based turbine monitoring

12 Conclusions DCS upgrades for ATLAS start in LS2, bulk in LS3
New front-end electronics solutions change DCS data path drastically New powering schemes will require new common equipment and developments for power control Off-detector electronics: move from VME to ATCA and PCIe solutions Aiming for use of OPC UA for all types of integrations Hoping for intensified collaboration effort within JCOP and especially increased support from EN/ICE and other support groups! Coherency: design changes are merged with device logic

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