Aquatic Food Production Systems 4.3

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1 Aquatic Food Production Systems 4.3

2 Applications and Skills
Discuss with reference to a case study the controversial harvesting of a named species Evaluate strategies that can be used to avoid unsustainable fishing Explain the potential value of aquaculture for providing food for future generations Discuss a case study that demonstrates the impact of aquaculture

3 Marine Ecosystems Marine ecosystems include:
Oceans Mangroves Estuaries Lagoons Coral reefs Deep ocean floor Half of marine productivity is in coastal regions above the continental shelf Continental shelf is an extension of continents and creates shallow water

4 Marine Ecosystems Shallow water from continental shelves are important: 50% of oceanic productivity but 15% of its total area Upwellings bring nutrient rich water up to the continental shelf Light reaches shallow areas which helps photosynthesis Counties can use to exploit and harvest Deep ocean is not as productive (less light)

5 Marine Ecosystems The UN Convention on the Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS) in 1982 designated continental shelves as belonging to the country from which they extend Also designated 370 km limit from the low water mark of the shore as exclusive economic zone belonging to the country

6 Marine Ecosystems Outside these boundaries are international waters which no country controls Creates huge implications: Who fishes there? Who controls them? Who cleans up pollution problems? Tragedy of the commons......

7 Marine Ecosystems

8 Marine Ecosystems Phytoplankton: single celled photosynthetic organisms that are the most important producer in the oceans Responsible for 99% of primary productivity Zooplankton: single celled animals that eat phytoplankton and their waste (DOM) These organisms support the complex food web of the oceans Both float in the water

9 Marine Food Chain and Webs
Phytoplankton and zooplankton help to support a complex interconnected set of marine food webs

10 Marine Ecosystems Marine organisms can be classified as:
Benthic –living on or in the sea bed (Benthos) Pelagic –living surrounded by water from above the sea to the surface

11 Fisheries Fishery: exists when fish are harvested in some way. Includes capture of wild fish and aquaculture or fish farmin Aquaculture: the farming of aquatic organisms in both coastal and inland areas involving interventions in the rearing process

12 Fisheries About 90% of fishery activity is in oceans and 10% in FW
Include oysters, mussels squid and molluscs, eels, tuna, etc

13 Methods of Fishing Some commercial fishing methods are not sustainable and are very environmentally damaging Dredging: drags a metal bag across the ocean floor. Captures everything in path Gillnets: a curtain of netting is placed in the water with holes large enough for fish to get head but not body through. Large rates of bycatch Trawling: drags a net through the water behind a boat. Captures any organism in path Blast Fishing: using explosives to kill fish in area. Kills all life in area and damages coral



16 Fisheries Up to 0.5 billion people’s livelihoods
3 billion people gain 20% of their protein from fish, the rest ~15% Fish is a good source of lean protein (important) Per Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): 70% of the world’s fisheries are fully exploited, in decline, seriously depleted, or too low to allow recovery Global fish catch is no longer increasing even with better technology

17 Fisheries

18 World Aquaculture Production

19 Fisheries

20 Aquaculture Many people in MEDC’s are opting for healthier protein (fish) than terrestrial animals Worldwide, avg person eats 20kg of fish and 8 kg of meat per year

21 Aquaculture As demand for fish has increased, the extra fish comes from fish farms Wild caught fish have reached its limit even with better technology to find fish Either the fish just are not present because of exploitation or we cannot take more than the sustainable yield (not enough with increasing population We will now be eating more farmed fish than wild caught fish

22 Aquaculture - Benefits
Ways in which fish farming is becoming more sustainable: Fishmeal formula includes more scraps that were once waste Livestock and poultry waste substitute for fishmeal USDA has shown 8 species of carnivorous fish can get the same nutrients without eating other fish China uses carp and catfish which grow in rice paddies. These fish add nutrients to the water which act as a fertilizer for the rice

23 Aquaculture - Impacts There are some issues associated with fish farming: Fish that are higher up the food chain (salmon, tuna) still require nutrients from fish lower on food chain leading to depletion of other species Loss of habitat (mangroves) to create fish farms Pollution of water due to fish feed and medications added to fish pens Increase spread of disease due to confinement in small spaces Often involve genetically modified species which may breed with wild fish if they escape Escaped species may increase competition with native species


25 Collapse of Fisheries

26 Case Study: Pacific Salmon
Live along the west coast of the US (California to Alaska) Many species endangered due to overfishing and loss of freshwater habitat (deforestation and hydroelectric dams) Atlantic salmon farms are being established in the Pacific waters of British Columbia and Chile using net-cage aquiculture Currently most of the salmon product being sold in the U.S. are farm-raised salmon raised in these Pacific waters. Concerns over: escape and threat to wild Pacific salmon populations, viral and bacterial infections, parasitic sea lice, and high levels of chemicals due to fish pellets being used as food

27 Case Study: Hilsa Fish in Bangladesh
Hilsa is the national fish of Bangladesh Anadromous like salmon – born in freshwater rivers, spend adult life in ocean (Bay of Bengal), return to rivers to spawn National dish, part of celebrations and culture of country Overfished due to growing population Fishing methods non-commercial, pole and nets Attempting to farm in ponds and among rice paddies but difficulty with fertilizing eggs Government has banned export of fish

28 International Conflict Due to Fishing Practices
The ”cod wars” were a series of disputes between Britain and Iceland running from the 1950s to the 1970s over the rights to fish in Icelandic waters. Turbot (halibut) war between Canada and Spain in 1995 when Canada fired on a Spanish fishing boat and chased it out of Canadian waters. Growing tension between India and Sri Lanka in Over 100 Indian fisherman killed and 350 seriously injured because of fishing along Sri Lankan coast This year China has increased their fishing fleet to over 2000 percent. In the past decade they have had conflict for fishing in the waters of Indonesian, the Philippines, Japanese, Korean and Russian.

29 Tragedy of the Commons Conflict between individual need and the common good of society If resource is seen as belonging to all, we tend to overuse and exploit Oceans, lakes, and rivers tend to be good examples of the tragedy of the commons

30 Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY)
Sustainable Yield: The amount of natural capital that can be extracted each year without depleting the stock to a point it is not replenishable. Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY): The largest yield or catch that can theoretically be taken from a species’ stock without permanently depleting the stock. (The maximum catch that will allow the population to return to carrying capacity as quickly as possible.)

31 Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY)
Generally MSY is about ½ the carrying capacity of an organism Carrying Capacity (K) is dependent on: Reproductive Strategy Lifespan of organism Limiting factors in ecosystem (resources available)

32 Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY)
Calculating MSY is difficult as it is hard to determine the actual carrying capacity of a population Must look at the annual growth in a population (births and immigration) minus the annual decline in a population (death and emigration) MSY is obtained if the population size will remain the same from one year to the next


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