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Machine Learning Dr. Mohamed Farouk.

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Presentation on theme: "Machine Learning Dr. Mohamed Farouk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Machine Learning Dr. Mohamed Farouk

2 What’s in a Name Pattern Recognition Data Mining Machine Learning
Statistical Modeling Artificial Intelligence Computational Intelligence

3 Outline Applications of machine learning Types of modeling tasks
Machine learning algorithms

4 Handwritten Digits Recognition

5 Remote sensing image classification

6 Medical Diagnosis

7 Robot Learning

8 Facial Expression Recognition

9 Visual Object Recognition

10 Iris Flower Classification
versicolor virginica setosa

11 Iris Flower Classification

12 Types of Modeling Tasks
Regression Classification Time-Series analysis and prediction Sequence analysis Ranking Anomaly Detection

13 Data f1 f2 f3 fd y X1 X2 X3

14 Regression f1 f2 f3 fd y X1 2.37 X2 4.21 X3 -1.11 0.98 0.12 f: Rd → R
f(x) = y

15 Classification f1 f2 f3 fd y X1 TRUE X2 FALSE X3 f: Rd → {c1,c2,c3}
f(x) = y

16 Ranking R_1 R_2 R_3 B_1 B_2

17 Supervised Learning

18 Function Approximation

19 Classification Generative model Discriminative model

20 Labelled Training data
The Big Picture Data Collection Training data Labelled Training data Annotation classifier Learning algorithm Feature Extraction How the supervised model works Collect Images Label/Annotate them Feature extraction (HOG features in our case) Apply the learning algorithm Use the model in the detector Processes the testing data in the detector Evaluate the results Test data Evaluate

21 Types of Features Binary Numeric (discrete or continuous)
Categorical (nominal) (red, white, blue) Ordered-Categorical (small, medium, big) Order constraints (i.e. rank: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, …)

22 Linear Models Linear combination of features
Hyper-plane in the feature space High bias / Low variance Numerous methods to train, usually very fast Categorical features need to be encoded Very fast at runtime

23 Artificial Neural Networks

24 Artificial Neural Networks
1 in out

25 Collection of unrelated tools
Toolkits Orange Octave SQL Server WEKA Collection of unrelated tools Value Ease of Use/Practicality R Matlab Power/Comprehensiveness

26 What you need in your toolkit
Visualization Feature Processing/Selection Modeling Algorithms Meta Algorithms/Ensemble Methods Tuning/parameter sweeps Measurement/Visualization

27 Weka

28 Weka

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