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Oxygen Therapy Course 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Oxygen Therapy Course 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oxygen Therapy Course 1

2 Housekeeping Introduction Sign in Health & Safety issues Facilities
Mobile phones Smoking arrangements Course administration Introductions 2

3 Respiratory system The respiratory system provides oxygen to the tissues and organs of the body An average adult at rest will breathe approximately 10 – 20 times each minute

4 Respiratory system The Upper Airway Mouth Nose Larynx – Voice box
Trachea - Windpipe

5 Respiratory system The Lower Airway Bronchi Lungs Alveoli

6 Circulatory system Red blood cells or haemoglobin cells carry Oxygen

7 Nervous system input Carbon dioxide levels rise
Impulse to breath in Oxygen Exhale Carbon dioxide

8 Muscles used in respiration
The diaphragm Internal intercostal muscles External intercostal muscles

9 Inspiration and Exhalation
The diaphragm and the intercostal muscles contract increasing space in the chest and creating negative pressure which draws air in Muscles then relax decreasing the space in the chest creating pressure thus forcing air out

10 Composition of air Inspired air Nitrogen (N) 79% Oxygen (O2) 20%
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 1% Inert gases Expired air Nitrogen (N) 79% Oxygen (O2) 16% Carbon dioxide (CO2) 4% Inert gases Can change depending on air quality From the oxygen we breathe in we use approximately 25% The rest is dispelled with when we breathe out, along with other gases including carbon dioxide

11 When to give Oxygen High flow 15 LPM 100% CPR Major head injury Shock
Sepsis Anaphylaxis Near drowning Carbon monoxide poisoning Pulmonary haemorrhage

12 When to give Oxygen Medium flow 5-10 LPM 40% Acute asthma
Shortness of breath Lung disease Acute heart failure Acute anaemia Sickle cell anaemia

13 When to give Oxygen Low flow 4 LPM 28% COPD Exacerbation of CF
Chronic neuromuscular disorder Chest wall disorders Morbid obesity

14 Oxygen saturation SPO2 Pulse oximetry Normal > 94% Low < 94%
COPD normal 88-94%

15 When to give Oxygen If in any doubt give oxygen until EMS help arrives, or patients conditions improve significantly

16 When to give Oxygen Oxygen contradictions Paraquat poisoning
Neonate unless cyanosed

17 Equipment Oxygen cylinder Carry bag Mask including tubing
Face/bag mask

18 Equipment

19 Storage Always store and move Oxygen with industry approved equipment
If being carried in a vehicle do not forget a compressed gas sign 19

20 Record keeping Remember if Oxygen has been given a record must be kept: Name of patient Time given Concentration given i.e. 100% Effects on condition i.e. change SPO2 / mental state/colour 20

21 Lack of Oxygen Hypoxia Lack of Oxygen in body tissue Hypoxaemia
Lack of Oxygen in the blood 21

22 Check and complete the Learner Registration forms:
Any Questions? Check and complete your assessment record, ensure they have been signed by you the delegate. Check and complete the Learner Registration forms: Ensure your name on the register in respect of clarity for certification purposes The name that is shown will be printed on your certificate Confirm your store/work or home address is correct Ensure your date of birth (DOB) has been inputted Ensure you have signed the register Certification will be sent out in due course Have a safe journey home We would love to have your Feedback: You will contacted via by Coursecheck to leave feedback. Search for us on Facebook/Linkedin/Twitter. If you have a student experience to tell us we would love to here from you. Please 22

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