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Tissues of the Human Body

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1 Tissues of the Human Body
Saturday, September 15, 2018Saturday, September 15, 2018

2 Tissues Groups of cells perform specialized functional and structural roles within the body. Cells within the same tissue are quite similar.

3 Four Types of Tissue 2. Connective Tissue 1. Epithelial Tissue
(cover and line) 2. Connective Tissue (support, bind, and connect)

4 3. Muscle Tissue (contract for movement) 4. Nervous Tissue (control & communicate)

5 Characteristics of Epithelial Tissue
Covers all free body surfaces. Major tissue of glands. Lack blood vessels. Has little intercellular material.

6 Functions of Epithelial Tissue
Protection – skin, respiratory tract lining Secretion – glands Absorption – stomach and small intestines Sensory Perception

7 Classification of Epithelial Cells
1. Done according to the number of cell layers simple – one layer stratified – more than one layer 2. Done according to the shape of the cells squamous, cuboidal, columnar 9/15/2018

8 Simple Squamous Epithelium
A single layer of flat cells Lines the body cavities Lines the lungs and capillaries

9 Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
A single layer of cube-like cells Seen in many types of glands and their ducts Also seen in the walls of kidney tubules

10 Simple Columnar Epithelium
A single layer of tall cells Have 3 common modifications: 1 goblet cells – cells that produce mucus that coats the epithelial membrane 2. cilia 3. microvilli Associated with stomach, intestine, uterine, and respiratory tract

11 9/15/2018

12 Pseudo-stratified Columnar Epithelium
A single layer of irregularly shaped columnar cells that appear to be stratified due to the cells having varying heights and the nuclei being at various locations. Found in the lining of the respiratory tract and the male urethra

13 Stratified Squamous Epithelium
Cells at the free edge are squamous and cells closer to the basement membrane are cuboidal or columnar Found in places where friction is common: Outer layer of skin Throat Anal canal

14 Stratified Cuboidal and Columnar Epithelium
Rare in the human body Found mainly in ducts of large glands

15 Transitional Epithelium
Modified, simple squamous epithelium The shape of the cells depends on the amount of stretching

16 Identify the following Epithelial tissues.
Simple cuboidal Stratified squamous 9/15/2018

17 Identify the following Epithelial tissue.
Transitional Epithelium Distended 9/15/2018

18 Identify the following Epithelial tissues.
Simple columnar Pseudo-stratified columnar 9/15/2018

19 Connective Tissue

20 Characteristics of Connective Tissue
Consists of cells and considerable intercellular material. 9/15/2018

21 Functions of Connective Tissue
1.Support, Protection, and Connections. 2.Stores fat. 3.Produces blood cells. 4.Provides protection against infection. 9/15/2018

22 Types of Connective Tissue
Adipose (AKA: fat) Cartilage Bone Blood Tendon and Ligaments 9/15/2018

23 1. Adipose Tissue (fat) 9/15/2018

24 2. Cartilage 9/15/2018

25 3. Bone 9/15/2018

26 4. Blood 9/15/2018

27 5. Tendons and Ligaments 9/15/2018

28 Muscle Tissue 9/15/2018

29 Characteristics of Muscle Tissue
Contractile tissue that moves parts attached to it. Composed of specialized cells that are able to contract and relax. Connect to bones by tendons. 9/15/2018

30 Types of Muscle Tissue 9/15/2018

31 1. Skeletal- Attached to bones and under voluntary control.

32 2. Smooth- Found in the walls of hollow organs and involuntarily controlled.

33 3. Cardiac- Found only in the heart and involuntarily controlled.

34 Nervous Tissue 9/15/2018

35 Characteristics of Nervous Tissue
Conducts electrical impulses. Conveys information from one area of the body to another. 9/15/2018

36 Nerve Cell 9/15/2018

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