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Human Body Systems Ms. Williams.

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1 Human Body Systems Ms. Williams

2 Digestive System

3 Purpose The Digestive System converts food into simpler molecules that can be used by cells; absorbs food; eliminates waste The entire digestive process takes between 24 and 33 hours

4 Organs/Components Mouth Throat (pharynx) Epiglottis Esophagus
The first stop in the disassembly of your food Mechanical digestion = chewing Chemical digestion = enzymes found in saliva Throat (pharynx) Epiglottis Small flap that closes over the opening of the respiratory system when swallowing, preventing food from entering the airway. Esophagus Muscular tube connecting the mouth to the stomach

5 Organs/Components Liver Stomach Small Intestine
Produces bile, a substance that helps break down fats Stomach Muscular pouch like organ where involuntary muscular churning and chemical digestion occurs Small Intestine Narrow muscular tube where digestion of food is completed with the help of enzymes secreted by the liver and pancreas Large Intestine (colon) Muscular tube where water and salts are absorbed; material spends hours here

6 How Does this System Relate to others?
Muscular – contains smooth muscle Nervous – gets signals that control the rate of digestion Circulatory – broken down food travels through blood vessels to cells Endocrine – hormones (ex. Insulin) control blood sugar levels

7 Excretory System

8 The Excretory System eliminates waste products from the body
Purpose The Excretory System eliminates waste products from the body

9 Organs/Components Kidneys Urinary Bladder Urethra
Help maintain homeostasis by filtering blood to remove waste Once the waste is filtered out of the blood, it is passed on as urine Regulates blood pressure, and the levels of water, salts, and minerals Urinary Bladder Smooth muscle bag that stores a solution of wastes called urine Urethra Tube where urine passed out of the body

10 How Does this System Relate to others?
Circulatory – waste products are carried from the cells to the kidney through blood vessels Endocrine – hormones are sent that control water levels and homeostasis Respiratory – expels toxic CO2 out of body

11 Respiratory System

12 Purpose The Respiratory System provides oxygen needed for cellular respiration and removes carbon dioxide from the body

13 Organs/Components Nose and Mouth Throat(Pharynx) Trachea (Windpipe)
Respiration begins with taking in air Throat(Pharynx) Trachea (Windpipe) Passes air into the bronchi Bronchi (singular: Bronchus) Passes air from trachea to the lungs Lungs Carry out the exchange of gases as we breathe

14 Respiratory System In humans, the average rate of breathing is dependent upon age. A newborn's normal breathing rate is about 40 times each minute. For adults, the average resting respiratory rate for adults is 12 to 16 breaths per minute. Physical exertion also has an effect on respiratory rate. Healthy adults can average 45 breaths per minute during strenuous exercise.

15 Respiratory System Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the lung airways that causes coughing, wheezing, chest tightness or shortness of breath. These signs and symptoms may be worse when a person is exposed to their triggers. Triggers can include air pollution, tobacco smoke, factory fumes, cleaning solvents, infections, pollens, foods, cold air, exercise, chemicals and medications.  Lung cancer is often associated with smoking, but the disease can affect non-smokers as well. Like all cancers, lung cancer is caused by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells.

16 How Does this System Relate to others?
Circulatory – brings O2 to the cells and CO2 back to the lungs Excretory – part of the excretory system to get rid of toxic CO2 from the body

17 Circulatory System

18 Purpose Brings oxygen, nutrients and hormones to cells
Fights infections Removes cell wastes Regulates body temperature

19 Organs/Components Heart Blood Vessels Blood
The pump that keeps blood flowing through your body Blood Vessels Arteries-Carry blood away from the heart Veins-Transports blood back to the heart Blood Red Blood Cells Carry oxygen to the body cells White blood cells Defend body against disease

20 Diseases Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. One of the most common diseases of the circulatory system is arteriosclerosis, in which the fatty deposits in the arteries causes the walls to stiffen and thicken the walls. It can restrict blood flow or in severe cases stop it all together, resulting in a heart attack or stroke. Stroke involves blockage of the blood vessels to the brain. Risk factors include smoking, diabetes and high cholesterol.  

21 Diseases Hypertension (high blood pressure) causes the heart to work harder Hypertension can lead to such complications as a heart attack, a stroke, or kidney failure. An aortic aneurysm occurs when the aorta is damaged and starts to bulge or eventually tear, which can cause severe internal bleeding. This weakness can be present at birth or the result of atherosclerosis, obesity, high blood pressure or a combination of these conditions, according to Weinberg.

22 How Does this System Relate to others?
Connected to almost all other systems since the circulatory system carries oxygen to all cells

23 Nervous System

24 Purpose Recognizes and coordinates the body's response to changes in its internal and external environments

25 Organs/Components Neurons (Nerve Cells)
Basic unit of structure and function of the nervous system Long cell with 3 regions Cell body Dendrites Delivers impulses to the cells Axon Carries impulses away from the cells

26 Organs/Components Brian Spinal Cord Central Nervous System
Control center Spinal Cord Central Nervous System Made up of the brain and spinal cord and coordinates your body’s activities Peripheral Nervous System Made up of the nerves which carry messages to and from the central nervous system

27 How Does this System Relate to others?
The nervous system works with many other systems, but works closely with the: Digestive system Muscular system

28 Immune System

29 Purpose Combination of body defenses made up of cells, tissues, and organs that fight pathogens in the body Helps protect the body from disease Collects fluid lost from blood vessels and returns it to the circulatory system

30 Enter the bodies tissues if invaders are detected
Organs/Components White Blood Cells (WBC) Enter the bodies tissues if invaders are detected T-cells “Natural Killer”-attacks infected cells and kills them Antibodies Proteins that latch onto, damage, clump, and slow foreign particles

31 How Does this System Relate to others?
The immune system works closely with the circulatory system

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