Syllables /Sounds Sounds /Syllables Digraphs/ Blends/ Spelling

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Presentation on theme: "Syllables /Sounds Sounds /Syllables Digraphs/ Blends/ Spelling"— Presentation transcript:

1 Syllables /Sounds Sounds /Syllables Digraphs/ Blends/ Spelling More rules! Even More Rules plus tapping 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt

2 Is followed by one or more consonants and the vowel is short

3 What is a closed syllable

4 What syllable ends in silent e after an a, e, i, o, or u?

5 v-e (vowel- consonant- e)
What is a v-e (vowel- consonant- e) syllable

6 Closed syllables get a mark (shaped like the bottom
half of a circle) over the vowel to indicate that it makes a short vowel sound

7 What is a breve

8 (shaped like a short flat line
A mark (shaped like a short flat line over the vowel) shows that the vowel has a long sound

9 What is a macron

10 This welded sound/syllable type has a long vowel sound
even though the vowel is followed by one or more consonants

11 a closed syllable exception
What is a closed syllable exception

12 What sound/syllable type
has a short vowel sound and a silent e after the consonant?

13 What is The v-e exception ive

14 The bonus letter rule applies words only, unless the word is a:
to closed, one syllable words only, unless the word is a:

15 Compound (sunfish) word
What is a Compound (sunfish) word

16 What is a welded sound that ends in ng and has the vowel ‘u’

17 What is /ung/

18 3 welded exceptions that have a long ‘o’ sound

19 What are ost, olt, and old

20 The bl in blind

21 What is a blend

22 The shr in shred

23 What is a digraph blend

24 The ch in child

25 What is a digraph

26 This suffix changes the tense from present to past

27 What is ed

28 This suffix makes the word a plural, or denotes possession

29 What is S

30 with the blend nd, starts with the blend bl,
Name a word that ends with the blend nd, starts with the blend bl, and has an “a” as the vowel

31 What is bland

32 When writing a grammatically correct sentence you should always start with a ___ and end with either a ___, ____, or _____?

33 What is A capital letter, and ending punctuation of
- a period, question mark or exclamation point.

34 Name the 3 syllable types in the nonsense word above
‘lebetromive’ Name the 3 syllable types in the nonsense word above

35 ‘v-e, closed, v-e exception’
What is ‘v-e, closed, v-e exception’

36 When dividing a word like ‘classmate’ what rule would you use to divide the word?

37 separate the words that
What is separate the words that make up the compound word ‘class’ and ‘mate’ (Sunfish)

38 What blend would you keep together when scooping the word ‘instruct’?

39 What is ‘str’

40 A welded sound that starts with ch, has an i that says it’s name,
and ends with a d.

41 What is child

42 When reading sentences and passages it is important to ________ them for proper phrasing.

43 What is Scoop?

44 How do you tap the nonsense word ‘stropt’

45 Fingers 1,2,3,4, 1,2,

46 How do you tap the nonsense word ‘chall’?

47 Fingers 1, then 2,3,4, together

48 Name the rule that says you must add a second f, l, or s to a single closed syllable word that ends in f, l, or s ?

49 What is the bonus letter rule

50 What rule says that a single vowel followed by one or more consonants will be short

51 What is the closed syllable rule

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