Introduction To Religion

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1 Introduction To Religion
McCutcheon: What is Religion? Partridge: Phenomenology... Bowie: The Anthropology... Davies: Myths and Symbols January 9, 2013

2 Lazy Views Everyone basically believes in the same God with different ways of expressing those beliefs Religion is private One day we’ll find out who’s right Religion is a crutch for the weak- minded Imagine no religion


4 “Religion” To tie something tightly To pay careful attention
Beliefs, Behaviors & Social Institutions

5 Public or Private

6 The Essence Assumption that Institutions, Hierarchies, Regulations & Rituals are INESSENTIAL Inner Faith or Genuine Practice Non-Empirical

7 Theories on Function Marx: Religion is a “pacifier”
Durkheim: Religion promotes social bonding Freud: Religion vents anti-social anxieties Wittgenstein: Religion share certain “family traits” Your Theory???

8 Essentialist. Functionalist. Family Resemblance.

9 Phenomenology Distinct from the Essentialist, the Functionalist and the Proponent of Family Resemblance Theory-- Phenomena! Descriptive of objects, rituals, teachings, behavior... Question of Ontological Truth is set aside

10 Friedrich Schleiermacher
“The essence of religion consists in the feeling of an absolute dependence.”

11 Rudolf Otto “It is the emotion of a creature, submerged and overwhelmed by its own nothingness in contrast to that which is supreme, above all creatures...”

12 Morality Holy Numinous



15 You are Here

16 “Mysterium Tremendum”
Awe-fulness Overpowering-ness Energy or Urgency

17 In Response? Posit a Supreme Subject Beyond Existence & Non-Existence
Relationship with the Wholly Other? Posit that Human Beings Are Embedded in Existence Empty Ego-Attachments/Merge with the One Cosmos?

18 Insider vs. Outsider Them Us

19 Suspend Interpretative Closure
Dialogue Around?

20 Gavin Flood Beyond Phenomenology Questions Detached Objectivity
The Disinterested Observer Does Not Exist Self Always in Relation to the Other (Person) One’s Experience of the Numinous Put In Dialogue with Others

21 In Your Groups Find Davies on Myths and Symbols
What is his analogy regarding music? In what sense does “myth” communicate truth? Symbols participate in the reality to which they point. What the hell?

22 For Friday Read Partridge, pp. 23--31
Think about or Remember a Religious Ritual in which you’ve been involved... 1 Page Paper Due Monday (See syllabus)

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