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2 Setting: Soledad, CA 1930s What was going on at this time? Migrant Worker? (Don’t forget about your last set of notes!)

3 Summary

4 Lennie is the “wise fool,” who is mentally inferior but able to reveal the best and the worst of others. His foolishness allows him to speak honestly.

5 Curley’s Wife: Eve? – the female character who, in the Bible, brings sin and death in the world. (Harsh?) Symbol of women everywhere who are repressed by male-centered societies.

6 Curley “small” people who may feel inferior and overcompensate by inflating or flaunting their power/status.

7 Crooks Symbol of people who are discriminated against because of their race

8 Candy Symbolic of people who are undervalued and discriminated against because of their age.

9 Carlson Symbol of people who are oblivious to the feelings of others. No empathy or sympathy

10 Slim archetype of the hero, king, or leader. He represents those few who, in their wisdom and strength, seem larger than life.

11 George “the everyman” – the type of normal, average person who is found everywhere and whose feelings and actions are neither exceptional nor terrible. He is the character with whom the reader will identify with. (Did you?)

12 Candy’s dog and Lennie? Or Candy?

13 What is an allegory? Is this a typical allegory?

14 Pool by the river = sanctuary (beginning and end; full circle)
Bunkhouse = spot where conflict is most apparent Crooks’s room = the retreat (and the jail cell) of the repressed Barn = ironic…Typically represents safety for animals. It is a man-made place where humans take care of animals. Dream farm – symbolic of George and Lennie’s friendship. Their version of Heaven?

15 The American Dream How does this novel handle this concept?

16 Narrator 3rd person omniscient
Doesn’t abuse this “power,” however. Why? (Think of Steinbeck’s style.)

17 Realism, tragedy Tragedy – usually features some main character who experiences a reversal of fortune from good to bad. Realism—a type of writing that wants to convince you that everyday people matter. Realistic events take place.

18 Steinbeck’s style tells the story in a way that makes the reader care for all of the characters, despite what social norms are in place. What does this mean?

19 Conflict What type of conflict(s) is/are present?

20 Complication Curley attacks Lennie Lennie crushes his hand
Slim gets Curley to agree to a lie Curley wants to get back at Lennie “Perfect storm”

21 Climax? Lennie pets a puppy to death (not a euphemism) and then…pets Curley’s wife to death.

22 Example of suspense Curley is gunning (literally) for Lennie, and George realizes that he needs to do something.

23 Compare and Contrast Movie………book

24 “#allaboutthatmentalstate” – Graham Wooolley
Themes “#allaboutthatmentalstate” – Graham Wooolley

25 Dreams, hopes, and plans Does the dream farm mean the same thing to Lennie as it does to George? What are the differences? Once Candy announces he has the money for the ranch, the narrator declares, “Thisi thing they had never really believed in was coming true.” Is that a fair declaration? What are the purpose of dreams? Do they actually come true or do they provide something to reach for. Do others on the farm have dreams?

26 Friendship Are there some circumstances where it is better to be alone? Is George and lennie’s friendship fully reciprocal? Throughout the novel, the characters spend a lot of time complaining about being alone to each other. Do you think they are really lonely or do they not realize what they have?

27 Isolation Why does everyone seem to feel so isolated all of the time? Is this a function of the ranch, the era, the world, human nature, or something else? Is Crooks’s isolation good for him? (Think about Curley’s wife) Are George and Lennie ever isolated?

28 Innocence Are there any innocent characters in the novel? Who is the most innocent? Does Lennie’s innocence protect him or make him dangerous?

29 Sexism Racism

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