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Animal Farm George Orwell

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1 Animal Farm George Orwell
An allegory/ fable, conveys a clear moral or message. On the surface the story is about animals, but on a second level, the animals stand for types of people or ideas. A masterpiece of political satire. In a satire, the writer attacks a serious issue by presenting it ina ridiculous light or otherwise poking fun at it. Orwell uses satire to expose what he saw as the myth of Soviet socialism Animal farm is a tale of oppressed individuals who long for freedom but ultimately are corrupted by assuming the very power that had originally oppressed them.

2 Animal Farm George Orwell
Napolean, Leader of the rebellion. Stalin Old Major, Tells of a dream that leads to the rebellion, Karl Marx,Lenin Snowball, Leader of the rebellion, Trotsky, is driven out by Napolean Boxer, working class, dedicated to Napolean, but less than average intelligence

3 Animal Farm George Orwell
Napolean, Leader of Rebellion, Stalin Squealer, Russian media Propaganda Frederick, unscrupulous farmer who tries to do business with animal farm

4 Animal Farm George Orwell

5 Animal Farm George Orwell
Karl Marx Wrote Communist Manifesto Envisions a world where basic needs are met and people work together for the greater good Marx believed the workers were the true producers of wealth, but the capitalists owned the means of production- land and industry. Therefore, the capitalists made huge profits while the workers earned just enough to survive Marx called for “workers of the world”to unite against their capital oppressors Marx believed that the workers would become so numerous and impoverished that they would rise up

6 Animal Farm George Orwell
Mr Jones: Original owner of Manor farm, Czar Nicholas Mrs Jones: The Czar’s wife Alexandra Moses: a tame raven, Russian Orthodox Church, tells stories about Paradise, sugarcandy mountain Mollie: upper class, vain Clover: Motherly horse, who questions Napolean Old Benjamien: donkey, old man Hens: peasant farmers Rats and Rabbits: gypsies, thieves, beggers Pigeons: Communist World revolution, spread the news The dogs:

7 Animal Farm George Orwell
Animalism Taught by old Major No rich, but also no poor Better life for workers All animal are equal Everyone owns the farm Communism Invented by Karl Marx All people are equal Government owns everything People own the government

8 Animal Farm George Orwell
The 7 Commandments Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings is a friend No animal shall wear clothes No animal shall sleep in a bed No animal shall drink alcohol No animal shall kill any other animal All animals are equal

9 Animal Farm George Orwell
Chapter 6: The 7 commandments Pigs now live and sleep in the farm house Commandments change No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets Squealer said it was necessary for pigs who did the brainwork Uses fear “surely none of you wishes to see Jones back?

10 Animal Farm George Orwell

11 Animal Farm George Orwell
Symbols The Rebellion: Symbolizes the Russian Revolution Animal Farm: Also known as Manor farm at the beginning and end of the novel. Symbolizes Russia and the Soviet Union under the Communist party Pigs: Government Dogs: Police Force or military Other animals: Working class The Gun: The gun is used as a a sign of importance, the power of propaganda

12 Animal Farm George Orwell
Windmill: Symbolizes Stalin’s “five year plan”. The windmill reprsents the enormous modernization projects undertaken in Soviet Russia after the Russian revolution. Keep the mob busy so they can’t complain/revolt Battle of the Windmill: Reprsents the battle of Stalingrad, German invasion of Russia during WW2 Selling of the timber to Frederick: Symbolizes the WW2 Nazi-Soviet pact

13 Animal Farm George Orwell
The Barn: The commandments’shelter where animals can constantly refer and learn all 7 commandments. This is home to them, wher they can rest and enjoy their freedom away from humans. Hoof & Horn flag: The animal farm flag is a symbol for hope and freedom. The colour green represents the green fields of England. The hoof and the horn signify the future of Republic of the Animals. Represents the hammer and sickle of the soviet flag

14 Animal Farm George Orwell

15 Themes Rebellion/Revolution: While revolution may change the political situation, most people lives remain the same. The Corruptive nature of Power: Orwell shows how both the leaders and the followers in a society can act in ways that destroy freedom and equality. Tyranny distorting history and lanuage: Orwell shows how propaganda is used to justify a tyrant’s decisions and actions

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