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Catholic Social Teachings

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1 Catholic Social Teachings
Introduction to Unit 2 Catholic Social Teachings

2 What Are Social Teachings
Connection to Human flourishing Social Teachings are not unique to Catholicism Catholicism has a particular metaphysical outlook on Social Teachings Greek Eudaemoic meaning conducive to happiness or well-being

3 Catholicism's Outlook God Return to God

4 Catholicism's Outlook God (Creator) Creation Humanity
Culture Church/People of God

5 Human Flourishing “Humans created in the image of God to become in God’s likeness” (Irenaeous of Lyons) Divine-human companionship Become children of God (John 1:12) Endowed with reason, to act freely (Thomist influence) Icon of Irenaeous of Lyons

6 Human Flourishing Challenged
Human is a creature (Finite) Always in the process of becoming God is completeness and perfection Two natures: transcendence (spirit) and corporeal (flesh) Sin to deny the transcendental

7 Church and her Teachings
Church has a role to teach how humans how to flourish Must consider both corporeal and transcendental Consider social-worldly-context Politics, economics, social norms of the day important to consider

8 What is an Encyclical? From the Latin encyclicus meaning circular
Pastoral Letter by the Pope to the entire Church Teach on matters of doctrine (teachings), morals or discipline, or offer commentaries on current issues

9 Encyclicals Formal title is first few words of Official text (Usually the Latin version) Encyclicals are not Ex Cathedra pronouncements ie. Not infallible teachings Are authoritative though Second highest authoritative teaching Highest authoritative are Apostolic Consitutions

10 Catholic Constitutions
Dei Verbum Lumen Gentium Gaudium et Spes Sacrosanctum Concilium Fidei Depositum

11 Context of Rerum Novarum

12 Promulgation May 1891 Pope Leo XIII
Response to problems in the 19th century

13 Industrial Boom Capitalism replacing feudalism Rapid Industrial growth
Technological innovations Sources of income Foreign Trade

14 Image features strike breakers descending one workers protesting.
Abominable Living Conditions Labour Wars Formation of Unions Strike Breakers Image features strike breakers descending one workers protesting.

15 Marxism Proletariat Working class becoming bigger
Rise up through a Revolution Overthrow Bourgeoisie No need for politics, only Proletariat will exist

16 Pope Pius IX Embraced technology as a young Pope
Views changed after 1848 Prisoner of Vatican Vatican I: Rejection of modernity Pope becomes closed off from world

17 Pope Leo XIII Born Vincenzo Luigi Pecci Love of poetry
Studied law and Aquinas Ambassador for Vatican Elected Pope in 1878 Responded to worldly problems with Thomist theology

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