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New Method for Analysis of Total Nitrogen

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1 New Method for Analysis of Total Nitrogen
Taylor Reynolds Midwest Water Analysts Association Winter Expo January 26, 2018

2 The life science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada. Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

3 Taylor Reynolds Environmental & Energy Marketing MilliporeSigma
400 Summit Drive Burlington, MA 01803 Mobile:  

4 Total Nitrogen Agenda Introduction - Merck KGaA – MilliporeSigma Introduction - Speakers Contact Info Total Nitrogen - A Little Background Current Methods for Detecting Total Nitrogen Merck KGaA Total Nitrogen Test Method Introduction Multi-Lab Validation Study Results Current Status with State Regulators What to Do if Interested in this Method 03 04 05 06 08 12 22 23 Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

5 Total Nitrogen Background
Total Nitrogen became a compound of concern as our understanding of Eutrophication has increased and the impact it has on our water sources Mississippi Dead Zone and Chesapeake Bay were two of the major Total Nitrogen Is NOT defined as an analyte in 40 CFR part 136 Total Nitrogen and its removal efficiency IS being defined by the states in NPDES permits Historically, states have defined Total Nitrogen as: TKN + Nitrite + Nitrate Source: developing-numeric-nutrient-water-quality-criteria 5 Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

6 Currently Available Test Methods
Total Nitrogen Currently Available Test Methods Summation Determination TKN + Nitrite + Nitrate Lengthy Generates substantial Waste Hazardous Summation of values is also summation of error All tests have a +/- accuracy Different methods can give different results State of Iowa concerned by potential for false high or low reporting Chemiluminescence New to the market Requires additional / specialized equipment Requires Platinum Catalyst Reports ALL Mineral Species. Even those that are not detected in NORMAL WASTEWATER EFFLUENT. Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

7 Problems with Current Analyses
Total Nitrogen Problems with Current Analyses Final Wastewater Effluent Standard Methods Summation Process vs. MilliporeSigma TN Nitrate Nitrite NH3 TKN Total Nitrogen 19.7 <0.10 2.10 25.4 Summation = 21.8 mg/L SM 4500-N D = mg/L Difference = 3.6 mg/L ~ 17 % Difference Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

8 Our Solution – One Test, One Result
Total Nitrogen Our Solution – One Test, One Result Utilizes 16mm round Digestion Tubes COD Type Heating Block Simple Spectrophotometer Benefits Shorter digestion step Reduced waste Much safer compared to TKN Eliminates uncertainty associated with adding multiple tests 8 Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

9 Total Nitrogen Koroleff Reaction
Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

10 Nitrate Determination By Spectroscopy
Total Nitrogen Nitrate Determination By Spectroscopy Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

11 Compounds In Mixed Standard
Total Nitrogen Compounds In Mixed Standard Ammonium Glycine Nitrite Nicotinic Acid Nitrate EDTA Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

12 Multi-LAb VAlidation study

13 Total Nitrogen ERA Blind Checks
Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

14 Total Nitrogen LFB Recoveries
Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

15 Total Nitrogen MDL Spike
Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

16 Total Nitrogen MDL Blank
Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

17 Final Effluent Matrix Recovery
Total Nitrogen Final Effluent Matrix Recovery Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

18 Other Matrixes Recoveries
Total Nitrogen Other Matrixes Recoveries Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

19 ~ 8 % Needed To Reach 80% Removal
Total Nitrogen Removal Efficiency City of Muscatine POTW Influent mg/L TN-N Primary Effluent mg/L TN-N Final Effluent mg/L TN-N Total Nitrogen Removal = mg/L TN-N 72.3 % Removal ~ 8 % Needed To Reach 80% Removal Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

20 Other Total Nitrogen Result Uses for Wastewater Plants
Develop Waste Load Allocations for Industrial Dischargers to the Sewer System Assess Waste Load Charges to Industrial Dischargers to the Sewer System Set Up CMOM for Wastewater Collection System Set Up Process Control for Wastewater Plant Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

21 Conclusion

22 Total Nitrogen Status with States
State of Utah has already approved this method State of Iowa sponsored this study and currently evaluating the results of the test MilliporeSigma is reaching out to as many other states as possible Finding the right person is a challenge Not all states concerned with TN Not all states have a formalized structure to approve of new methods Submitting the results of validation study when able to and responding to questions from regulators Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

23 What should you do if you’d like to evaluate this new method?
Total Nitrogen What should you do if you’d like to evaluate this new method? If in North America, contact Taylor Reynolds, he will: Provide contact info for your assigned sales rep Help coordinate on-site demonstrations Help coordinate with your state contacts to get approval for the method Answer technical questions If outside of North America: Contact your local Merck KGaA sales rep to get more information If you can’t find your local rep, contact Taylor Reynolds, he will assist in finding them Total Nitrogen New Method For Analysis |

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