Aryan Migration: HINDUISM

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Presentation on theme: "Aryan Migration: HINDUISM"— Presentation transcript:

1 Belief Systems of the Classical and Post Classical Eras: A New Religious Map

2 Aryan Migration: HINDUISM
pastoral  depended on their cattle. warriors  horse-drawn chariots.

3 The Vedas 1200 BCE-600 BCE. written in Sanskrit Hindu core of beliefs:
hymns and poems. religious prayers. magical spells. lists of the gods and goddesses. Rig Veda  oldest work.

4 The Caste System WHO IS… The mouth? The arms? The legs? The feet?
Brahmins WHO IS… Kshatriyas The mouth? The arms? The legs? The feet? Vaishyas Shudras What is a jati? JATI?

5 Buddhism: A Buddhist TEMPLE and Altar

6 Spread of Buddhism

7 Mahayana Buddhism The “Great Vehicle.”
Founded in northern Asia (China, Japan). Buddhism “for the masses.” Seek guidance from Boddhisatvas, wise beings. Goal: Not just individual escape from the cycle of reincarnation, but the salvation of all humanity through self-sacrifice of those enlightened few.



10 East Asia- Japan and Shinto
The flag features a red sun on a cool white background. Traditionally, the sun goddess founded Japan in the 7th century BCE and gave birth to its first emperor, Jimmu. Even today the emperor is known as the "Son of the Sun" and the popular name for the country is "Land of the Rising Sun.”

11 Shinto Ancestor Worship Polytheism Hyper- Nationalism Great Creator
The World of the kami Minimize sin & guilt

12 Shinto Temple

13 The Ancient Hebrews

14 Kingdoms of Judah & Israel

15 Yahweh’s “Covenant” With His People
The first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible. The most sacred text in the Jewish religious tradition. The Torah

16 The Jewish Diaspora

17 Re-creation of Ancient Jerusalem

18 Christianity: Jesus’ Mission
The Rise of Christianity: Jesus’ Mission Baptism Agony in the Garden Crucifixion

19 St. Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles and The Spread of Christianity

20 Saint Peter’s Basilica, Rome

21 ISLAM : Submission to the
Will of Allah Muhammad received his first revelation from the angel Gabriel in 610. 622 Muhammed flees Mecca for Medina * The beginning of the Muslim calendar . Muhammad’s revelations were compiled into the Qur’an after his death. THE FIVE PILLARS are essential Islamic Doctrine Sharia  body of Islamic law to regulate daily living.

22 The Origins of the Qur’an
Muslims believe it contains the word of God. 114 suras (chapters). In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful. Written in Arabic. Three holiest cities in Islam: * Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem

23 Mosques- Islamic places of Worship

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