. Welcome to Year 4.

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Presentation on theme: ". Welcome to Year 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 . Welcome to Year 4

2 Year 4 Team Miss Beaumont – Class Teacher Miss Quinn – Teaching Assistant

3 Topic based Curriculum
Topic based learning (Please see Topic Web for futher information): English History The Stone Age RE Maths Drama Art ICT

4 Reading Please sign reading records every weekend and every time your child has read (daily) Every morning, we will check reading records for reading and parent/guardian signatures. Please ensure that your child reads every night (10 minutes). Learning key words and asking questions about the books that they are reading (I have attached a list of key year 3 and 4 words- reading/ spelling). Every time your child reads, they will move up the reading rocket. Once, they have read 10 times they will receive a small prize.

5 English Areas of learning this term
Spellings – test and new spellings to be given out each week. I have attached the Year 3 and 4 statutory spellings. UG by Raymond Briggs SPAG, Diary entries, Letter writing, Narrative Expectations of presentation Guided Reading- Comprehension and word decoding

6 Maths Place Value Packs- Please return Friday 6th October 2017
Mental maths tests Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving Number Bonds Presentation of work To know by heart all the times tables up to x12 by the end of year 4 (daily practice).

7 PE Your child will have PE with a specialist coach on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Can you please help ensure that your child brings their PE kit to school at the beginning of the week. A reminder that PE kit must include: White t-shirt/polo shirt, navy/black shorts and appropriate footwear.

8 Homework Maths packs will be handed out at the beginning of each unit of work. A hand in date will be provided when the pack is handed out. We are currently learning about Place Value. This pack is due in on Friday 6th October 2017. Stone Age Homework Packs- Due Thursday 19th October 2017 Weekly Spellings Times table practise Daily reading

9 Monday and Wednesday – PE and games kit
Physical Education Monday and Wednesday – PE and games kit

10 Winter Games Kit PE Kit Plain tracksuit - no football White T-shirt
Black or navy blue shorts Black pumps Winter Games Kit Plain tracksuit - no football strip Trainers

11 Healthy Minds Water bottles – access all day Morning snack
Healthy lunchboxes - certificate Healthy School Meals

12 Classroom Rules We respect each other We work as a team
We listen to each other We are honest We always try our best

13 Behaviour and Discipline
Positive discipline Red and Yellow cards Parental involvement

14 School Behaviour Policy
Please find School Behaviour Policy on the school website. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to come and see my self or any other member of staff.

15 Class Dojo Please find your class dojo invitation on your tables.
You can download the app on any smartphone or ipad. This will enable you to keep up to date with how your child is getting on in school and to see what activities they have been doing in class.

16 Thank You Thank you for attending and we look forward to getting to know you all!

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