IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies

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1 IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies
TAB Periodicals Committee Jon Rokne, IEEE-CS 14-Jun-07

2 Title and Launch IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies
To launch in 1Q08 Quarterly, online-only for members, CD-ROM distribution for ASPP customers 496, 528, 592 pages in first 3 years Delayed Open Access Articles become open after 12 months

3 Sponsorship IEEE-CS: 50% IEEE-ES: 50% Technical Cosponsor: IEEE-CASS

4 Scope Text in red added upon request in Phase I
The IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies publishes archival research papers and critical survey papers. Topics within the scope include technology advances in online learning systems; intelligent tutors; educational software applications and games; simulation systems for education and training; collaborative learning tools, devices and interfaces for learning; interactive techniques for learning; tools for formative and summative assessment; ontologies for learning systems; standards and web services that support learning; authoring tools for learning materials; computer support for peer tutoring and learning via discovery or project work or field or lab work; and creation and management of learning objects. Machine learning will not be considered, unless within an enabling technology in educational systems for human learners. A paper must either describe original research or offer a critical review of the state of the art in a particular area. Papers concerned with evaluation of technology are only appropriate if the technology itself is novel or if significant technical insights are provided.

5 Need Survey conducted 8 – 12 May 2007 of 2,102 members of the IEEE-CS Technical Committee on Learning Technologies (LTTC) 254 responses received; 12% response rate How interested are you in publishing in [IEEE TLT]?

6 Alternative Publishing Mechanisms Explored (i. e
Alternative Publishing Mechanisms Explored (i.e. special issues, special sections, increased pages and/or frequency of existing titles, and modified Xplore representation to call attention to the new content) IEEE CS LTTC has published a successful newsletter (ISSN ) for nine years and has developed an author community there Some members of the LTTC have launched an online publication, Educational Technology and Society ( ET&S has not attracted strong technical papers; it is more oriented toward societal issues There is no outlet for the types of papers that will be attracted to TLT.

7 Overlap with Existing Periodicals (addressing Marketing Analysis comments as well)
Transactions on Education: Overlap in spirit, but the real overlaps are likely to be small. Given the breadth and growth in the field, publications are likely to be complementary rather than competing. Education Society is financial cosponsor. Marketing suggests we approach other professional organizations, including ACM and AACE, to partner Response: It might make sense to cosponsor TLT with ACM, this would definitely complicate the process of launching. It would also give up half of the prospective financial benefits to another society. Not a good idea to approach the AACE itself and offer cosponsorship; their reputation from an engineering point of view is too low.

8 Paper Source(s) International Conf. on Advanced Learning Technologies
2001: 200 submissions, 30% acceptance for full papers 2003: 337 submissions, 16% acceptance for full papers 2004: 425 submissions, 30% acceptance for full papers; 75 as short; 54 as posters 2005: 464 submissions, 23% acceptance for full papers; 111 as short; 55 as posters 2006: 492 papers, 28% acceptance for full papers; 122 as short; 42 as posters Frontiers in Education More than 300 papers in Proceedings, roughly 70% are peer-reviewed full papers 10-15% of paper sessions are in fields within the scope of TLT campaign, especially LTTC newsletter authors. Papers are expected to come primarily from academic researchers in learning technology. Appeals can be made to groups such as ACM SIGCSE (Computer Science Education), The AIED Society (Artificial Intelligence in Education), the Intl Soc for the Learning Sciences, and the AACE

9 Variance from Current Norms?
Delayed Open Access Papers are open after 12 months Author-Pays Open Access Dropped After Research Showed No Support Among Potential Author Community Some voluntary page charges retained in the launch budget; we will request voluntary page charges to support OA

10 Variance from Current Norms?
Low-Cost Launch Model Online-only distribution Default model is no print; CD-ROM distribution for ASPP CD-ROM production in place for IEEE Distributed Systems Online; CS has in-house capability Outsourced, reduced services copy-editing Minimal peer-review support by IEEE-CS staff

11 Outsourcing Workflow and Cost

12 EIC and Editor information
The TLT Steering Committee will determine the EIC selection process

13 IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies Assumptions

14 IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies Prices

15 IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies Revenue

16 IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies Expense and Net

17 Society/Council Response to Marketing Analysis
How will open content be differentiated in XPlore? We are not sure, but expect that IEEE PSPB will support such an implementation for the OA experiments it chooses to support How will this impact other pubs? We are not sure, but suggest that IEEE PSPB study this impact as part of its OA experimentation What about authors who don’t have funding? This part of the proposal was dropped What is the benefit of OA? It can help IEEE attempt to find creative ways to address OA in a way that protects the quality of the editorial and the viability of scholarly publishing Has a survey been done on OA for this publication Yes

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