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FFA History and Introduction. History Smith Hughes Act of 1917 Established Vocational Agriculture classes Early 1920s in Virginia Future Farmer Club established.

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Presentation on theme: "FFA History and Introduction. History Smith Hughes Act of 1917 Established Vocational Agriculture classes Early 1920s in Virginia Future Farmer Club established."— Presentation transcript:

1 FFA History and Introduction

2 History Smith Hughes Act of 1917 Established Vocational Agriculture classes Early 1920s in Virginia Future Farmer Club established Henry Groseclose: Father of the FFA November 20 1928: National FFA was formed in Kansas City, Missouri

3 History Cont’d First Advisor: C.H. Lane First President: Leslie Appelgate from New Jersey 1929 colors, and first Star Farmer National Convention held in Kansas City for 70 years

4 And more History 1939 FFA Camp in Alexandria VA 1950 Public Law 740 established FFA as Federal Charter 1998 became Publication 105-225 1952 The National Future Farmer Magazine ( FFA New Horizons)

5 The History of Change 1965 New Farmers of America (African- American Ag. Organization) merges with the FFA 1969 Ladies were allowed into the FFA 1988 Future Farmers of America to National FFA Organization

6 ... Almost done June 1, 1998 the New National FFA Center was opened in Indianapolis Indiana. 1999 National Convention was changed from Kansas City Missouri to Louisville Kentucky 2006 National Convention was changed from Louisville Kentucky to Indianapolis Indiana.

7 FFA Mission FFA Makes a Positive Difference in the Lives of Students by Developing Their Potential for Premier Leadership, Personal Growth and Career Success through Agricultural Education


9 Colors Corn Gold Corn is a National crop grown in every state National Blue Blue field of our Nation’s Flag








17 What is in the FFA for ME? Leadership Travel Money Community Service Working with Team Career Success

18 Leadership Parliamentary Procedure Public Speaking Become officer (local, state, national)

19 Travel Field trips (district, state, national) International exchange student WLC, MFE

20 $$$ Contests SAE Scholarships

21 Community Service Chapter Activities Volunteer Park Clean up Improvement Projects PALS Food for America BOAC

22 Working with Team FFA members Committees Officer team

23 Career Success CDE Networking Resume Builder

24 Career Development Events (CDE) Ag. Communications Ag. Issues Ag. Sales Ag. Mechanics Agronomy ( Crops) Creed Speaking Dairy Judging Dairy Handlers Dairy Foods Environmental and Natural Resources Extemporaneous Public Speaking Farm Business Management Floriculture Food Science and Tech. Forestry Judging Horse Judging Horse Hypology Job Interview Livestock Judging Marketing Plan Meats Judging

25 Career Development Events (CDE) Milk Quality and Products Nursery and Landscape Parliamentary Procedure Poultry Judging Prepared Public Speaking Veterinary Science Agri-Science Fair Animal Systems Environmental Services / Natrual Resource Systems Food Products and Processing Systems Power, Structural, and Technical Systems Social Systems

26 Quick Facts 2008 Current Membership: 507,763 Number of Chapters: 7,439 in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands Largest Annual Event: National FFA Convention 2008 Attendance: 54,731

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