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1888PressRelease - Dr. Max Citrin Leader In Anti-aging & Sports Medicine In Palm Beach

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Presentation on theme: "1888PressRelease - Dr. Max Citrin Leader In Anti-aging & Sports Medicine In Palm Beach "— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Max Citrin Leader In Anti-aging & Sports Medicine In Palm Beach 1888PressRelease - Telomere shortening is a marker of cellular senescence. Hence, the shorter the telomeres, the older is the cellular age. Telomere testing tells your biological age, which for most people is different than their chronological age. Studies show that a healthy lifestyle is associated with longer telomeres, i.e. a younger biological age. A person can find out if things in your body are starting to deteriorate - such as blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, nutrition status etc - and do something about it before it is too late. This is called Preventive Medicine or Lifestyle Medicine, and is one of Dr. Citrin's specialties. Dr. Citrin has training in osteopathic medicine and specializes in treating sports, ANTI-AGING and occupational injuries with alternative orthopedic methods, with successful results. The only solution to combat today’s major killers - cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer – is via health promotion and preventive medicine. [11, 12] Dr. Citrin is a member of The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM). Lifestyle Medicine (a.k.a Preventive Medicine) involves the therapeutic use of lifestyle, such as a predominately whole food, plant- based diet, exercise, stress management, tobacco and alcohol cessation, and other non-drug modalities, to prevent, treat, and, more importantly, reverse the lifestyle-related, chronic disease that's all too prevalent. Lifestyle Medicine / Preventive Medicine is the future of healthcare—true “health” care dedicated to identifying and eradicating the cause of disease, as opposed to simply diagnosing and treating, too often medicating established disease.

2 As a member of ACLM, Dr. Citrin is contributing to redefining health care with a focus on treating the causes. ACLM members are united in their desire to be the tip of the spear in ushering in a transformed system of care delivery that enables sustainable human health and a sustainable healthcare system: They share a passion for using lifestyle as a therapeutic intervention to prevent, treat and, often, even reverse lifestyle- related diseases.

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