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Tips to Run Norton Antivirus from the Command Prompt.

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1 Tips to Run Norton Antivirus from the Command Prompt

2 Malware applications usually consume all the valuable resources that are important and essential services and applications that are required to operate the device and software. To deal with the problem, it is better to run a “Quick Scan’ or “Full System Scan” from the command prompt using the Nav32.exe application rather than performing a virus scan in Norton antivirus, which entails important accessible resources. Despite this, you can also initiate the scan in CMD if there are consecutively resource- intensive software and don't want Norton antivirus to interfere. To know more about Norton and its commands, contact at Norton Customer Service.

3 Do the following steps in order to run Norton antivirus from the command prompt- To open “File Explorer” you need to press "Windows-E" to open File Explorer. Browse through "C:\Program Files\Norton Antivirus\Engine\[X]\," where "[X]" represents the version of Norton antivirus Here you need to choose the address bar and then press "Ctrl- C" to copy the folder path to the clipboard In the next step, you need to type "cmd" into the input field and click "OK" to open Command Prompt After this, you have to type "C:" into the console and then press "Enter" to go to the C: drive Type "cmd " and right-click on the console. Select "Paste" from the context menu and press "Enter." Follow the onscreen instructions for further preferences At the end, you need to directly press "Enter" to perform the virus scan in CMD

4 For more detailed help and support, contact at Norton Antivirus Customer Service by dialing a toll-free 1-800-589-0948 where you will come in touché with the experts and technical specialist who are skilled and well-trained in handling and managing all problems related to Norton antivirus. You can ask you any doubt or resolve your query from the guidance of experts.

5 Visit Us: Call Now Toll Free: 1-800-589-0948 Contact Details

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