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The Justice System and the Evolution of DNA

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1 The Justice System and the Evolution of DNA
By John M Shirts

2 People Need Justice!

3 CRIMINALS Criminals have become ever more crafty and devious in the planning of the perfect crime!

4 DNA Found in blood, semen, skin cells, tissue, organs, muscles, hair, bone, teeth, and a variety of other bodily fluids and excrement DNA consists of 3 billion bases The same bases present in 99% of all people It’s the specific arrangement that makes people unique and identifiable.

5 Sir Alec Jefferys First person to develop DNA profiling or fingerprinting First person to use DNA to convict someone

6 How effective can DNA be?
A masked rapist was convicted of forced oral copulation when his DNA fingerprint matched DNA evidence swabbed from him. Many cases have been solved by DNA analysis of saliva on cigarette butts, postage stamps, rims of cups and glasses. DNA analysis of a single hair found deep in a victim's throat provided a critical piece of evidence to solve the crime and apprehend the criminal.

7 Preserving the Evidence
No smoking, eating, drinking, littering or participating in any activity that might distort or destroy DNA evidence!

8 Missing persons Helped identify people who died in New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina struck the coast. Helped identify those who had already died so they could be reinterred in New Orleans Helped to identify John and Jane Does. Helped to identify victims of the 9/11 attacks

9 The Dna Initiative This initiative provides funding for the FBI for the analysis of degraded and old biological material through the Nation Missing Persons Data Base program.

10 According to the Medical Examiner and Coroner offices there are 13,500 unidentified people.

11 However, nearly half of those families will have to wait.
DNA Cannot always help Example Authorities vowed to keep searching until every person was identified and returned to their families. However, nearly half of those families will have to wait. In some cases, not enough genetic material was obtained for identification. Dr. George Bauries stated, “The problem with the trade venter is that when the pieces are that small, they can get mixed in with other debris from the actual building and it creates an incredibly difficult task to separate things out.” We will never forget.

12 DNA doesn’t only identify an individual but it can also identify what nationality and/or ethnic group a person belongs to

13 Genetic Profiling Genetic profiling is very similar to criminal profiling. It helps police narrow a suspect field. Instead of using behaviors and tendencies, genetic profiling reviews DNA material to crate a “sketch” of how a suspect might appear.

14 The possibilities are endless
The Future of DNA The possibilities are endless

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