Mohammad Abbas Alamdar Teacher of ICT STS Ajman – Boys School

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1 Mohammad Abbas Alamdar Teacher of ICT STS Ajman – Boys School
Cyber Rule Mohammad Abbas Alamdar Teacher of ICT STS Ajman – Boys School

2 Learning Objectives The objectives of this module are to:
Introduce the concept Explain the various forms of cyber crimes Describe the effects of cyber crimes on a particular sector Promote the importance of having legal rights and restrictions governing technology use

3 Learning Outcome By the end of the module, you are able to:
List three examples of cyber crimes State three effects of cyber crimes related to individuals Elaborate three benefits of having cyber law in the country List the three software licenses State some aspects of the data protection act.

4 What is Cyber Rule? Cyber Rule are regulations in which should follow when online. It shows a guide line of we shall do and the punishments for people who dont follow the rules.

5 What is Cyber crime This is crimes committed by using a computer.
Crimes committed by using technology. More and more crime is happening by using computers.

6 Internet Banking Fraud
Illegally move money from one account to another by using the internet In the UAE; 1 year in Jail Dhs 30,000 fine

7 Example A person was a subject of online bank fraud of Dhs 121,000
Money was also taken from his credit card Dhs 70,000 He also had to pay 135 mobile phone bills. This is an example of Online Fraud. How do you think this might have happened ?

8 Cyber / Online Harassment
This is when people bully other people online. This could be by sending hate / love messages to them. There is no money involved. They can make threats or demands.

9 Example of Harassment

10 Intellectual Property Infringement
This taking information from other people which is not yours. The information is copied and used by other people to gain advantage. Example of this can taking a person working for a company and taking all the private information when they leave. They join another company and use the illegal information.

11 Intrusion This when you gain illegal access to an online system.
For example, People try to break into the UAE Banking system and taking money from it.

12 Reasons for online/cyber Crime
Why do think people commit cyber crimes; To be famous Mischief To get money To let somebody know that they hate them To steal someone’s ID To copy documents

13 What happens.... Loose money. Waste of time.
What happens when you commit cyber crime ? Loose money. Waste of time. Harm somebody’s reputation. Cannot get work completed.

14 Software Piracy Using software illegally.
Software which has been purchased by the user. This can happen in the home, workplace or in businesses. For a software to be used legally, there has to be a License Single user Multi user Site

15 Personal Data Personal Data is about you.
This is stored in my places for example; Schools Hospital Emirates ID Passports Doctors clinic The government

16 Data Protection Data should be kept up to date
Data should be processed properly Data only should be used for the purpose it is being used for Data should not be kept for longer than needed Data must be processed properly Data must be protected from illegal access Data must not be passed to different countries Data should be legally obtained.

17 Knowledge Check What is personal data ? What is a software license ?
What is site license ? What is a single user license ? What is software piracy ? What is cyber crime ? Can you name 3 cyber crimes ? How does your country stop cyber crime ?

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