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BTEC Level 1 Award in preparing to work in Adult Social Care

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1 BTEC Level 1 Award in preparing to work in Adult Social Care
Sam Dawson Course Tutor 29/1/2015

2 Aims of the lesson To Continue Unit 3- Awareness of the skills and attitudes needed to work in Adult Social Care. Recap on previous lesson. Guest speaker – Nekita Lingham (Social Worker). To explore your skills and attitudes required to work in Adult Social Care.

3 Guest speaker Nekita Lingham– Social Worker.
Intake Team – Medway Council

4 Recap on skills and attitudes
Get in to 2 groups. Group 1 – Discuss skills with examples. Group 2 – Discuss attitudes with examples.

5 Developing your own skills and attitudes
You are responsible for continually checking and improving the quality of your work. Reflection – What, when, why, feelings, actions. What do you do well. Where do your skills and knowledge need to be improved. How you would be able to do this

6 Activity On your own first, think of 4 questions you would like to ask someone to know more about them (10 mins). Then in pairs, ask the other person your 4 questions in turn (15 mins). Together, list the skills and attitudes that you feel you used when interacting with each other (10 mins). As a group feedback (10 mins)

7 Ways to learn to develop your skills and attitudes
Attending courses. Obtaining qualifications. Using e-learning programmes. Reading study guides/testing knowledge. Watching video clips on Social care. Researching internet, journals and books. Reading profession specific papers.

8 Consequences of not keeping skills and knowledge updated
You may put yourself, the people you support and other workers at risk. You will not develop personally or professionally. You will not be able to progress in your career.

9 To think about for next week
Think about your skills, attitudes and knowledge. I want you to consider your own developmental needs. We will be exploring and identifying your learning needs and reflecting on what you have learnt so far in the course. We can share with each other strategies for developing skills and attitudes.

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