Parents’ Meeting Year 5/6 2017/18.

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Presentation on theme: "Parents’ Meeting Year 5/6 2017/18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parents’ Meeting Year 5/6 2017/18

2 Staff in KS2 Year 5 – Mrs Rose, Miss Kilner, Miss Brain
Year 6 – Mrs Pease, Miss Adshead, Mrs Ogden, Mrs Wyrill

3 Organise their own belongings and their own work.
Independence Organise their own belongings and their own work. Conduct themselves in a mature and sensible fashion throughout the school – setting the example. Choosing appropriate times to speak to staff and parents about things they need e.g. letters

4 Term 1 – That’s entertainment!
Topic Work Term 1 – That’s entertainment! Term 2 – Snow worries! Term 3 – Monkey business

5 Literacy Taught by Mrs Rose in the Y5 classroom
Daily SPAG lessons including mini weekly tests Reading comprehension Spellings given out Monday, test on Friday Linked to topic

6 Numeracy All taught by Mrs Pease and Mrs Wyrill in the Y6 classroom
Mental maths starter Broken up into fluency, reasoning and problem solving Presentation Speed tables – requirement 12 x 12

7 Science Term 2 Term 1 Term 3 Classification Light
Electricity Term 2 Classification Keeping healthy Term 3 Evolution and adaptation

8 PHSE Sex and relationships Education for Y6 – after SATs

9 Homework Grid until Christmas.
3 pieces for half term, 2 up to Christmas Revision guides (SPAG, reading, maths) Given out after half term Building up usage After Christmas, weekly revision as homework

10 How can I help my child? Booklet Vipers Get ahead learning Twitter

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