Implementation Review the mathematical concept.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation Review the mathematical concept."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation Review the mathematical concept. Review the problem solving steps. READ: Children read the part that is asking them to find something out. UNDERSTAND: Children explain what they need to find out. Children identify what information they will need to find it out. Remove the coloured rectangle. Children find the information they need to find it out. CHOOSE A STRATEGY: Children identify strategies that they could use to find it out. USE A STRATEGY: Children use a strategy to find it out. Children record their thinking as they find it out. CHECK: Children reread the part that asked them to find something out. Children check that they have found it out. Children check they have recorded their solution correctly. Children follow the problem solving steps to solve the 2nd level of the problem, with minimal teacher guidance. Children who solve the 2nd level, follow the problem solving steps to solve the 3rd level of the problem independently. Children use the problems as a guide to create their own problem, either alone or in pairs/small groups. Children solve their own problem. Throughout the lesson, children share solution strategies. At the end of the lesson, children explain how they created their own problems.

2 Place Value Multiplying and Dividing
Problem Solving Place Value Multiplying and Dividing Numbers of Any Size by 10, 100, 1000 When Joan multiplies by 10, what number will she get? Why? When Joan multiplies by 100, what number will she get? Why? When Joan multiplies by 1000, what number will she get? Why? Create your own problem! Now solve it! Place Value 28 Fractions and Decimals 25

3 Place Value Multiplying and Dividing
Problem Solving Place Value Multiplying and Dividing Numbers of Any Size by 10, 100, 1000 When Ally divides 532 by 10, what number will she get? Why? When Ally divides 532 by 100, what number will she get? Why? When Ally divides 532 by 1000, what number will she get? Why? Create your own problem! Now solve it! Place Value 28 Fractions and Decimals 25

4 Place Value Multiplying and Dividing
Problem Solving Place Value Multiplying and Dividing Numbers of Any Size by 10, 100, 1000 Which measurement is equal to 15 centimetres? 0.15 mm mm mm mm Which measurement is equal to 150 centimetres? 0.15 m m m m Which measurement is equal to 1500 centimetres? 0.15 m m m m Create your own problem! Now solve it! Place Value 28 Fractions and Decimals 25

5 Place Value Multiplying and Dividing
Problem Solving Place Value Multiplying and Dividing Numbers of Any Size by 10, 100, 1000 A stack of cardboard sheets is 3 centimetres thick. Each sheet of cardboard is 0.03 centimetres thick. How many sheets of cardboard are in the stack? A stack of cardboard sheets is 8 centimetres thick. Each sheet of cardboard is 0.03 centimetres thick. How many sheets of cardboard are in the stack? A stack of cardboard sheets is 12 centimetres thick. Each sheet of cardboard is 0.03 centimetres thick. How many sheets of cardboard are in the stack? Create your own problem! Now solve it! Place Value 28 Fractions and Decimals 25

6 Place Value Multiplying and Dividing
Problem Solving Place Value Multiplying and Dividing Numbers of Any Size by 10, 100, 1000 What is x 10? What is x 100? What is x 1000? Create your own problem! Now solve it! Place Value 28 Fractions and Decimals 25

7 Place Value Multiplying and Dividing
Problem Solving Place Value Multiplying and Dividing Numbers of Any Size by 10, 100, 1000 What is 524 ÷ 10? What is 524 ÷ 100? What is 524 ÷ 1000? Create your own problem! Now solve it! Place Value 28 Fractions and Decimals 25

8 Place Value Multiplying and Dividing
Problem Solving Place Value Multiplying and Dividing Numbers of Any Size by 10, 100, 1000 A number multiplied by 10 is 56. What is the number? A number multiplied by 100 is 56. What is the number? A number multiplied by 1000 is 56. What is the number? Create your own problem! Now solve it! Place Value 28 Fractions and Decimals 25

9 Place Value Multiplying and Dividing
Problem Solving Place Value Multiplying and Dividing Numbers of Any Size by 10, 100, 1000 Dan is building a brick wall. The length of a brick is 0.25 metres. How many bricks will he need to make a row of bricks 2.5 metres long? Dan is building a brick wall. The length of a brick is 0.25 metres. How many bricks will he need to make a row of bricks 25 metres long? Dan is building a brick wall. The length of a brick is 0.25 metres. How many bricks will he need to make a row of bricks 250 metres long? Create your own problem! Now solve it! Place Value 28 Fractions and Decimals 25

10 Place Value Multiplying and Dividing
Problem Solving Place Value Multiplying and Dividing Numbers of Any Size by 10, 100, 1000 Sally used 4.9 litres of petrol for every 100 kilometres she drove. How much petrol does she use for every 10 kilometres? Sally used 4.9 litres of petrol for every 100 kilometres she drove. How much petrol does she use for every 1 kilometre? Sally used 4.9 litres of petrol for every 100 kilometres she drove. How much petrol does she use for every 1000 kilometres? Create your own problem! Now solve it! Place Value 28 Fractions and Decimals 25

11 Place Value Multiplying and Dividing
Problem Solving Place Value Multiplying and Dividing Numbers of Any Size by 10, 100, 1000 What number makes this number sentence correct? 1.6 × ? = 16 What number makes this number sentence correct? 1.6 × ? = 160 What number makes this number sentence correct? 3.4 × ? = 3400 Create your own problem! Now solve it! Place Value 28 Fractions and Decimals 25

12 Place Value Multiplying and Dividing
Problem Solving Place Value Multiplying and Dividing Numbers of Any Size by 10, 100, 1000 What number makes this number sentence correct? 16 ÷ ? = 1.6 What number makes this number sentence correct? 16 ÷ ? = 0.16 What number makes this number sentence correct? 2370 ÷ ? = 2.37 Create your own problem! Now solve it! Place Value 28 Fractions and Decimals 25

13 Place Value Multiplying and Dividing
Problem Solving Place Value Multiplying and Dividing Numbers of Any Size by 10, 100, 1000 What operation makes this number sentence correct? 16 ? 100 = 160 What operation makes this number sentence correct? 16 ? 100 = 0.16 What operation makes this number sentence correct? 34 ? 100 = 3.4 Create your own problem! Now solve it! Place Value 28 Fractions and Decimals 25

14 Place Value Multiplying and Dividing
Problem Solving Place Value Multiplying and Dividing Numbers of Any Size by 10, 100, 1000 Brian had 10 lengths of wood each 1.25 metres in length. What was the total length of the wood? Brian had 100 lengths of wood each 1.25 metres in length. What was the total length of the wood? Brian had 1000 lengths of wood each 1.48 metres in length. What was the total length of the wood? Create your own problem! Now solve it! Place Value 28 Fractions and Decimals 25

15 Place Value Multiplying and Dividing
Problem Solving Place Value Multiplying and Dividing Numbers of Any Size by 10, 100, 1000 Helen calculator showed 63.2. Then it showed 632. What did Helen do to make her calculator change from to 632? Helen calculator showed 63.2. Then it showed 6320. What did Helen do to make her calculator change from to 6320? Helen calculator showed Then it showed 6327. What did Helen do to make her calculator change from to 6327? Create your own problem! Now solve it! Place Value 28 Fractions and Decimals 25






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