First Grade School Year

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1 First Grade 2017-18 School Year
Welcome to Open House! First Grade School Year

2 Looping Classroom I am very excited that we are a looping classroom! The plan as of now is that I will keep your child for first and second grade. I have done looping for many years now and truly enjoy it!

3 School Wide Rules Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible NOTE:
To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. School Wide Rules Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible

4 Arrival Time Starts: 8:35 School Starts: 8:45 Dismissal Time:

5 School Supplies- What Is Needed
Along with the posted supplies I am requesting the following additions: -earbuds or small headphones -composition notebook

6 School Supplies- Your Choice?
It is your choice whether to share supplies or have your own. If you choose your own please bring a supply box to keep them in. The folders on the supply list do not need to be plastic. If you prefer they can be decorated or plain also.

7 When do we eat lunch? 11:00-11:30 Prices: Breakfast $2.00 Lunch $2.75
First Day Lunch Menu: Choice 1: Grilled Cheese Sandwich Choice 2: Ham Sandwich Tomato Soup Goldfish Cucumbers & Wow butter Pineapple Fresh Apples

8 When is recess. 11:30-12:00 Please dress for the weather
When is recess? 11:30-12:00 Please dress for the weather. Your child may keep things in his/her locker if needed.

9 Snacks We will have snack time in the afternoon. Your child is welcome to bring a snack to eat. I am asking for healthy snacks such as goldfish, pretzels, bite size fruit, cheese sticks, granola bars etc. Please no candy, chips or sugary items. Your child will be responsible to open items on their own. Please no peanut butter incase we have allergies in class. Your child may store snacks in his/her locker.

10 School to Home Connection
Homework Folder HOMEWORK IS PRACTICE! -Comes home Friday -Due the following Thursday -Initial the front page of the math homework that you have checked it -Initial the reading homework for the week when you total it -Fun homework assignments will be included! Friday Folder -Comes home on Friday -Due empty on Monday -Newsletter, papers from school and graded papers will be included unless need to be sent home during the week -Watch your child’s bookbag! Take-Home Books -Due at least 1 time each week -Can change books when needed

11 What specials do we have and when are they?
Monday- Library Tuesday- Technology Wednesday-Gym Thursday- Music Friday- Every 4 weeks this will rotate starting with Library. The second half of the year Friday will be Art. Time: 12:10-12:40

12 Don’t forget to take the First Day packet in the purple folder
Don’t forget to take the First Day packet in the purple folder. Please return the forms IN THE FOLDER ASAP!

13 Thanks for coming! Do you have any questions for the good of the group?

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