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Classicism, Romanticism and Revival Styles

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Presentation on theme: "Classicism, Romanticism and Revival Styles"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classicism, Romanticism and Revival Styles

2 Joseph II. Mother Maria Theresa
Sister Marie Antoinette – French Revolution Abolition of churches and monasteries – utilitarianizm

3 Strahov Library

4 Estates Theatre Mozart

5 Francis I. Napoleon, enthroned 1806 Marie Louise

6 Empire Style Kačina chateau, since 1806

7 Holy Cross Church, Prague, Na Příkopech

8 Romanticism Discovery of nature
Sublime – 1757 Edmund Burke – beauty and horror English Parks – a shock from the developements in France led to a programatic orientation on English architecture Romantic architecture in Tudor or Windsdor style Medieval revival architecture and taste for ruins

9 Romantic Parks Château Veltrusy
Small classicist temples, romantic ruins One of the oldest nature-landscape parks in Europe

10 Romantic Parks Aristocrats Klamovka, Prague- Smíchov

11 Château Hluboká

12 Gothique Revival London Parliament
Completion of the Old Town Hall, 1830´s

13 Romanticism Delacroix Čermák

14 Romantic Landscape: Antonín Mánes

15 Romantic Landscape: Antonín Mánes

16 Rococo Revival Josef Mánes: The Red Parasol, 1855

17 Nationalism Karlín Temple, Romanesque Revival, 1850´s

18 The National Theatre Renaissance Revival, 1860´s 1880´s completed

19 Gothic Revival

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