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Starting your own business

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Presentation on theme: "Starting your own business"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starting your own business

2 A person who organizes and then runs a business
Entrepreneurship A person who organizes and then runs a business Life is challenging….must be motivated Needs to make good decisions…..must be perceptive Find inventive solutions to problems….must be decisive Risks are high….but rewards can be great!

3 Advantages You are in charge Job satisfaction
Can lead to a good income

4 disadvantages Financial risk …you can lose your investment
Work long hours Competitors No guarantees…half of all business fail in first 4 years

5 Starting a new business
4 Ways to become a business owner Start a New Business Buy an Existing business Buy a Franchise Join A family business

6 New business Advantages: Disadvantages:
It all you… build it from scratch Disadvantages: Requires more time & effort to start Start up costs are high (equipment, office supplies , insurance , etc…) Need to borrow money Very risky

7 Existing Business Advantages: Disadvantages:
Steps ahead…take advantage of previous owners business agreements Build on former successes Disadvantages: Existing business may have problems- Poor location or reputation Competition Building or equipment is not new and may need repairs

8 Franchise Advantages: Disadvantages:
Recognized name, reputation, & goodwill Established procedures and management systems Trained employees, support services, advertising & finance Disadvantages: Portion of profits go to parent company Must follow guidelines of parent company

9 Family Business Advantages: Disadvantages:
Relatives can help with finance Family members are loyal, have a team of people you trust and know Teach you the business Disadvantages: Some families work well together others do not Issues at work could affect family relationships

10 Forms of Legal ownership
Sole Proprietorship- business completely owned by one person Partnership- legal agreement in which 2 or more people share ownership Corporation- business chartered by a state that legally operates apart from owner(s). Owners by shares of company and are called shareholders

11 Sole proprietorship Advantages: Disadvantages:
Owner makes all decisions Easiest form of business Least regulated Disadvantages: Limited by the skills, abilities and finance of one person Difficult to raise funds Owner is financially responsible

12 Partnership Advantages: Disadvantages:
Can draw on skills, abilities and finance of more than one person Easier to raise funds Disadvantages: More complicated than sole proprietorship Tension among partners Owners liable for all business losses

13 Corporation Advantages: Disadvantages: Easiest to finance
Financial liability of stakeholders is limited Disadvantages: Expensive to set up Record keeping can be time consuming and costly Can pay more taxes than other forms of businesses

14 Business plan project 9 slides
75 points : 60 information – 15 technical Must have : background, slide transition, clear and easy to read & at least 7 pictures tiles : 1 – title 2 – mission 3 – company description 4 – company founders and titles 5 – employees and job openings 6 – location 7 – market analysis 8 – SWOT Analysis 9 – Marketing & Sales strateg

15 Business Plan- CFM Total Points: _______/75 Percent: _____%
Information 50 points All 9 slides are present and all requested information is given. 45 points Presentation contains 7-8 slides, and/or most of the requested information is given. 40 points Presentation contains 4-6 slides, and/or some of the requested information is given. 35 points Presentation contains 2-3 slides, and/or little of the requested information is given. 0-30 points Presentation contains 0-1 slides, and/or very little of the requested information is given. Spelling / Grammar 10 points 0-1 mistakes 8 points 2-3 mistakes 6 points 4-6 mistakes 4 points 7-9 mistakes 0-2 points 10 or more Technical 15 points Both background and 7 appropriate pictures 12 points Background and 5-6 appropriate pictures 9 points Either no background, less than 4 pics, or not appropriate pics for the business idea Either no background, or no pictures 0-5 points Neither any background, or any pictures

16 Let’s get started!

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