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Measurement All measurements should include a number and a unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Measurement All measurements should include a number and a unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measurement All measurements should include a number and a unit.
Measured quantities and (units) include: mass (kg); length (m); time (s); Newtons (force); energy (J)

2 Fundamental units can’t be broken down into more basic units.
Include m, kg, s

3 Derived units can be broken down into more basic units
THE BASICS Derived units can be broken down into more basic units Include Newtons, joules, watts

4 THE BASICS Prefix Notation (order of magnitude) Symbol mega kilo deci centi milli micro nano pico

5 Examples Which unit is 109 larger than a picometer?
Which unit is 101 times smaller than a centimeter?

6 Complete the following
1 m = mm 1 km = m 1 m = cm 1 m = µm 1 cm = m 1 mm = m 1 m = km

7 Scientific Notation x x x x 104

8 Practice 0.0360 87200 5.3 x 103 2.9 x 10-4 280 x 10-12 x 105

9 Order of Magnitude Expresses a quantity as a power of 10
A piece of paper is about 20 cm wide. What is the order of magnitude of the width of a piece of paper in meters? The half-life of a radioisotope is 10 milliseconds. What is the order of magnitude of the half-life in seconds?

10 The frequency of green light is 600 THz
The frequency of green light is 600 THz. What is the order of magnitude of the frequency in Hz?

11 Practice A commercial airplane travels at speeds of about 0.3 km/s. What is the order of magnitude of the speed of a plane in m/s?

12 Calculating with Numbers in Scientific Notation
(6.63 x 10-34)(3 x 108) 4.5 x 10-7 (9.31 x 10-29)(3 x 108)2 (6.67 x 10-11)(5.98 x 1024)(7.35 x 1022) (3.84 x 108)2 10 = (3.0 x 10-8) X (solve for X) 1.2 x 10-2

13 Practice


15 Conversions 1 mile = 1.6 km 1 mile = 1600 meters 1 kg = 2.2 lbs
1 inch = 2.5 cm 1 lb = 453 grams 1 hour = 3600 seconds

16 Examples Convert µm to m

17 700 mm to m 15 cm to µm

18 2.8 nm to mm 10 inches to cm

19 25 feet to meters 2.5 hours to seconds

20 55 miles per hour to meters per hour
48 miles per hour to meters per second

21 Practice a. 0.045 nm to cm b. 0.0067 meters to µm c. 18 inches to cm
d. 12 hours to sec e. 10 m/s to miles per hour

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