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A very brief introduction

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1 A very brief introduction
GIS in Air Quality A very brief introduction Glenn Gehring ITEP

2 Quapaw Site on July 22, 2004 – Site’s highest 8-hour Ozone
93 ppb as an 8-hour average

3 Area 8-hour Ozone on July 22, 2004

4 8-hr Ozone on July 22, 2004, with Prediction Contours
(ESRI Geostatistical Analyst)

5 July 22, 2004, 24-hour Backward Trajectories
(NOAA Air Resource Laboratory HYSPLIT Model)

6 Oologah Power Plant 48-hr dispersion
(NOAA Air Resource Laboratory HYSPLIT Model)

7 GRDA Power Plant 48-hr dispersion
(NOAA Air Resource Laboratory HYSPLIT Model)

8 Muskogee Power Plant 48-hr dispersion
(NOAA Air Resource Laboratory HYSPLIT Model)

9 Combined 48-hour dispersion
(NOAA Air Resource Laboratory HYSPLIT Model)

10 GIS Map on Your DVD 2002 Emission Inventory (Point – Criteria & HAPS)
AQS Monitors (all that had coordinates back to 1960s) Summary Data for Criteria Monitors (2003–2007, but 2007 may be incomplete due to AQS lag time) Microsoft Access Database in folder

11 GIS Map on Your DVD (cont.)
File system set to “relative path” All information must stay in folder, including new data you add Drop folder on a computer with GIS and open map Very few clicks enables new views on map

12 All AQS Sites AQS ozone sites only

13 2002 EI showing all point source emissions 2002 EI showing mercury compound Emissions with proportional circles

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