Suffer As A Christian Lessons from 1 Peter.

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1 Suffer As A Christian Lessons from 1 Peter

2 Suffering Christians Why do Christians suffer? An age old question. Many answers: sin, natural disasters, wicked people, the Devil, etc. Peter writes to encourage Christians in their suffering (5:12)

3 The Nature of Suffering
What kind of suffering does Peter discuss? Trials (1:6; 4:12), slander, reviling and insult (2:12; 3:9,16; 4:4,14), and evil treatment (3:9) Background: Christians charged with treason, atheists, cannibals, incestuous, etc. (“evil-doers” in 2:12)

4 The Nature of Suffering
What did this suffering result in? Distress (1:16), grief (2:19), and unbelieving spouses (3:1ff) Suffering was widespread (5:9)

5 The Reason for Suffering
Cause by conversion: these Christians formerly were sinful (1:14,18; 2:9-10; 4:3), they were “aliens and strangers” to the old ways (2:11), their new lifestyle is viewed as “strange” (4:4), and they were hated for their Christian living (3:14; 4:14)

6 The Reason for Suffering
Caused by ignorance (2:15) Caused by innocent and unjust suffering (2:19; 3:17; 4:14-16) Caused by God’s will (2:20-21; 3:17; 4:19)

7 The Purpose of Suffering
We are refined and made better (1:6-7; 4:12) We are watched by non-believers and God is glorified (2:12; 3:1-2; 3:16)

8 The Response to Suffering
Joyful endurance - no martyr or self- pity complex (1:6-8; 4:13-14; 5:9,12) Holy living - no excuses for immorality (1:15-16) Respectful obedience - no rebellion or anarchy (2:13ff)

9 The Response to Suffering
Righteous conduct - no evil for evil (3:8ff) Blessed reward - no feelings of fear, intimidation, or shame (4:14-16; 3:6b,14) Humble service - no laziness or selfishness (5:5-6)

10 The Endurance of Suffering
Remember who you are (1:1-2,18ff; 2:9-10) Turn to God (1:5; 3:12; 4:19; 2:23; 5:7) Look at others and love them (1:22; 2:17; 3:8; 4:8; 5:9)

11 The Endurance of Suffering
Set your mind on heaven (1:3- 5,7,9,11,13,22; 4:13) Look to Jesus (2:21-25; 4:1) Give a defense (3:15) Receive God’s word (5:12)

12 The Result of Suffering
From suffering to glory (1:7-11, 3:9; 4:13; 5:1,6,10) Suffering has a divine purpose for our lives. Let us all make the journey from suffering to glory!

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