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Institute for Multidisciplinary Research

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1 Institute for Multidisciplinary Research
Address: Kneza Višeslava 1, Belgrade, Serbia Phone: / , Fax: / , Web: The Institute for Multidisciplinary Research (IMSI) was established in 1970 with the aim to foster research and education in borderline disciplines and multidisciplinary sciences.  Institute for Multidisciplinary Research University of Belgrade Departments Department of Materials Science (MS) Department of Life Sciences (LS) Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (ES) Research ranges from the purely scientific to applied studies and involves perspectives of chemistry, physics, electronics etc. The group works on synthesis, characterization and processing of nanostructures based on simple or complex oxides and non-oxide inorganic substances. Emphasis is on synthesis of precursor nanostructures and development of innovative processing methods. The areas of particular interest include: structural aspects of nano and other advanced materials, electronic materials (such as ferroelectrics, varistors, multiferroics, magnetic materials, sensors...), materials for renewable energy sources (such as materials for solid oxide fuel cells and photovoltaics), thick film/PIM technology and microelectronics. geopolymers I Plant Nutrition Group focuses on nutrient acquisition in the rhizosphere and utilization by higher plants as well as on plant response mechanisms to mineral stresses, from nutrient deficiency to the excess of essential and other mineral elements. II Group for ichthyology and aquaculture conducts ecological and ecophysiological research of fish populations and their environment, fish biochemistry, research and monitoring of the invasive introduced fish species, fish population genetics, geometric morphometry of fish, fish histopathology, genotoxicity, heavy metal accumulation in fish etc. The Department of Life Science is multidisciplinary in its nature, enabling the co-operation of researchers from different fields with a meeting point at stress physiology and biophysics. Main research areas: plant biology (plant biochemistry and bioenergetics), - antioxidant metabolism and free radicals, carbohydrate metabolism), - human physiology (redox biochemistry, neurodegenerative diseases, neuromotor control) - biomaterials, - mathematical and computer modeling.

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