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The Eisenhower Years 1952-1960 While middle-class suburbanites enjoyed their chrome-trimmed cars, “I Love Lucy”, and Elvis Presley, the Cold War and.

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Presentation on theme: "The Eisenhower Years 1952-1960 While middle-class suburbanites enjoyed their chrome-trimmed cars, “I Love Lucy”, and Elvis Presley, the Cold War and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Eisenhower Years While middle-class suburbanites enjoyed their chrome-trimmed cars, “I Love Lucy”, and Elvis Presley, the Cold War and the threat of nuclear war loomed in the background.


3 President Eisenhower As much as FDR personified the 1930s, President Eisenhower personified the 1950s. In 1952, Republicans looked forward to their first presidential victory in 20 years. He chooses Richard Nixon to appease conservatives in the party and to “balance the ticket.” Eisenhower pledges to go to Korea and end the war – electoral vote was 442 to 89. Nixon almost costs Eisenhower the election “Checkers Speech” – TV, as a political medium, begins to replace the written word

4 Eisenhower’s Domestic Policies
He delegated authority – businesslike tone Secretary of Defense Charlie Wilson - head of GM He was often criticizes for too much golf/ fishing History however has been kind to him – he was in charge Fiscal/ social conservative – wanted to balance the budget after years of deficit spending Extended Social Security to 10 million Americans Raised minimum wage – more public housing Opposed federal aid to education Opposed national health insurance Consolidated welfare programs under Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare Highway Act of 1956 – huge legacy “Moderate Republicanism”

5 Eisenhower and the Cold War
Election of 1956 Heart attack in 1955 Eisenhower won big Democrats retained control of both houses of Congress Secretary of State John Foster Dulles’ Diplomacy Critical of containment as too passive Wanted a “new look” for foreign policy Talked of liberating “captive nations” Advocated policy of “Brinkmanship” “More bang for the buck” Eisenhower prevented Dulles from taking his ideas to an extreme

6 Third World Unrest Nations freed from the yoke the of empire become pawns in the Cold War era India and Pakistan become new nations in 1947 Dutch East Indies gain independence and become Indonesia in 1949 Ghana becomes independent from Britain in 1957 These Third World countries lacked stable political and economic institutions American covert action returns the shah to Iran in 1953 In Guatemala, the CIA overthrew the government that threatened U.S. business interests Vice President Nixon’s motorcade is attacked in Venezuela on a goodwill tour in 1958

7 Asia Korean Armistice Fall of Indochina
Stalin’s death in 1953 and threat of nuclear war prompted China and N. Korea into an armistice Fall of Indochina French make mistake of trying to retake Indochina after WWII – this bolsters Ho Chi Minh’s influence Truman aided the French while China and Soviet Union aided Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh In 1954, the French are defeated, but Eisenhower refuses military aid French give up Indochina at Geneva in 1954 – divided into Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos

8 Asia Division of Vietnam
Divided at 17th parallel until general election could take place – never occurred for fear of results North Vietnam – communist under Ho Chi Minh South Vietnam – democratic under Hgo Dinh Diem From 1955 to 1961 America sends over $1 billion to South Vietnam Eisenhower’s “Domino Theory” – eventually Australia and New Zealand would be in danger SEATO – regional defense arrangement put together by Dulles Eight nations sign this in 1954 – U.S., Great Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Thailand, and Pakistan

9 The Middle East U.S. had to balance relationship with oil-rich nations with their support of new state of Israel Suez Crisis U.S. refuses funds to Egypt based on Israel’s vulnerability General Nasser turns to Soviet Union to build dam He then seizes the Suez Canal from British and French control Britain, France, and Israel respond militarily and retake canal zone Eisenhower condemns the action through the UN Eisenhower Doctrine Pledges support to any Middle Eastern country threatened by communism – first applied in Lebanon in 1958

10 OPEC – Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Formed in 1960 by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, and Venezuela Growing Western dependence on Middle-East oil Spreading Arab nationalism Continuing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians

11 U.S. - Soviet Relations Spirit of Geneva
Stalin dies in 1953, and Eisenhower presents U.N. with Atoms for Peace proposal Soviets withdrew troops from Austria Soviets also establish peaceful relations with Greece and Turkey By 1955, desire for improved relations on both sides culminates in a meeting at Geneva, Switzerland Open skies proposed by Eisenhower Rejected by Bulganin “Spirit of Geneva” produces first thaw in the Cold War In 1956, Khrushchev denounces crimes of Stalin and supports “peaceful coexistence”

12 U.S. – Soviet Relations Hungarian Revolt – things warm up
Hungary wanted out of the Warsaw Pact Popular revolt is suppressed militarily by Khrushchev Eisenhower did nothing for fear of triggering WWIII This ends Dulles’ talk of liberating Eastern Europe Sputnik shock In 1957, the Soviets put the first satellites in space Americans begin to question American leadership in science U.S. rockets to duplicate the achievement fail Congress authorizes National Defense and Education Act in 1958, as well as NASA There was no defense against Russian missiles

13 U.S. – Soviet Relations Second Berlin Crisis U-2 Incident
“We will bury capitalism” Khrushchev gives the West six months to withdraw from West Berlin Eisenhower invites Khrushchev to Camp David Schedule Paris in 1960 and agree to put off Berlin issue U-2 Incident Two weeks before the meeting in Paris, the Russians shoot down the U-2 spy plane – Francis Gary Powers Eisenhower takes full responsibility Khrushchev denounces Eisenhower and calls off the Paris summit The truth about the incident

14 CUBA Revolutionary Fidel Castro overthrows Cuban dictator Batista in 1959 Castro nationalizes American-owned businesses and properties in Cuba Eisenhower responds - cuts off trade with Castro Castro turns to the Soviets for support Castro then sets up a Communist totalitarian state in Cuba Eisenhower authorizes the CIA training of anticommunist Cuban exiles to retake Cuba This decision would be left up to JFK

15 Eisenhower’s Legacy Upon leaving office, President Eisenhower warns the nation that the arms race might be taking on a momentum and logic of its own He didn’t want the United States to make the mistake of becoming an imperial state This was the “industrial military complex” He had successfully checked Communism, while maintaining peace – lost no American lives. He had initiated the first arms reductions by suspending above-ground testing of nuclear weapons

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