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EN/EL Tests in H4IRRAD October to 7 November

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Presentation on theme: "EN/EL Tests in H4IRRAD October to 7 November"— Presentation transcript:

1 EN/EL Tests in H4IRRAD - 2011 18 October to 7 November
H4IRRAD External Area Method: individual interviews with group leaders based on the April schedule -> to gather bottom-up data, EN retreat on 1st July -> the aim was to bring the MTP in line with the last schedule & saving requests from the Council in June ENMB on 26th July -> validate with group leaders the top-down arbitration H4IRRAD EN/EL 2011 Georges Burdet, Matija Zanko (EL/CO) Georges Burdet, Matija Zanko (EL/CO)

2 Equipment Tested Tests Procedures Tests Results
EL/EL Tests in H4IRRAD Equipment Tested Power Equipment as used in LHC Underground PLC Components as used in LHC Surface Tests Procedures Tests Results Later: cross-section calculation with EN/STI Extrapolation to LHC conditions in US/UJ/RE H4IRRAD EN/EL 2011 Georges Burdet, Matija Zanko (EL/CO)

3 Low Voltage circuit breakers
400V Circuit breakers with electronic protection 2 breakers SCHNEIDER NS + STR22SE electronic protection Previous generation Installed in LCH underground 3 breakers SCHNEIDER NSX + Micrologic electronic protection New generation Installed for QPS powering renovation and planned for future projects Goal is to check the electronic module, not the breaker itself Tests tripping conditions Close at No load condition Set Load at 90% of tripping level, wait 1 mn Set Load at 250% Wait for tripping and record Time to Trip Set Load back to 90% Reset and Reclose Breaker Wait 1 min Check no trip In the 200 cycles performed by each breaker, no failure detected H4IRRAD EN/EL 2011 Georges Burdet, Matija Zanko (EL/CO)

4 Battery charger Ackerman 48VDC battery charger
Model 80A Provide auxiliary source for most of the EL equipment AUG system Protection Relays (MT & BT) Command Circuits, interlocks, etc. Exit Lighting system Supervision system (IED, DAU, RTU) Tests Conditions Load set to 25A Set to Float Mode, output goes to 48VDC Set to Boost Mode, output goes to 53VDC Suppress Mains, battery discharges Restore Mains, goes to boost with current limited at 80A Set back to Float Performed about 270 cycles, no failure detected H4IRRAD EN/EL 2011 Georges Burdet, Matija Zanko (EL/CO)

Used in surface, verify if usable in underground areas Power Supply 48VDC module (TSX PSY 5520) CPU (TSX P57 204, Program in Flash) 32 Input (TSX DEY 32D3K) and 8 Output modules (TSX DSY 08R5A) Serial Communication module (TSX SCY 21601) Serial Communication daughter boards (TSX SCP114) TWIDO compact PLC (TWD LMDA20DRT) Tests Applications within PREMIUM & TWIDO cycle outputs Outputs wired to inputs Applications reads back inputs Supervision, via communication, collects outputs & inputs images Automatic Power Cycle to wake up in case communication is lost Many problems occurred, see details JM Concept conversion modules (TELIS 9000U1) Analogue signal (ramp) sent to the 4 JM Concept modules Converted data collected by communication Some losses of communication, otherwise conversion is ok H4IRRAD EN/EL 2011 Georges Burdet, Matija Zanko (EL/CO)

6 Circuit Breakers Tests Results
Equipment Number of Sequences Problems SCHNEIDER NS Breaker + STR22 SE electronic protection 200 SCHNEIDER NSX Breaker + Micrologic electronic protection Ackerman Battery Charger 267 PREMIUM PLC Continuously tested 69 TWIDO PLC 17 JM Concept modules 1 H4IRRAD EN/EL 2011 Georges Burdet, Matija Zanko (EL/CO)

7 Circuit Breakers Tests Results: Time to Trip
H4IRRAD EN/EL 2011 Georges Burdet, Matija Zanko (EL/CO)

8 PLC Premium Events Note 1: PLC Watchdog failed on 2nd Nov. around 3h
Description Action Result Quantity Watchdog Activated CPU in STOP mode (no data changes) Many attempts with Power Cycle CPU finally went to RUN mode (once after 4 days!) 5 and Communication failure Note 1 Access to HW (4 Nov.) Found CPU in HALT Did a CPU RESET Brought PLC in normal state 1 Both comm. channels failed While CPU Watchdog was activated. Automatic Power Cycle Communication restored With CPU in STOP mode 49 With CPU in RUN mode (Watchdog was ok) Integrated comm. card failure. Watchdog activated. But CPU in STOP mode Additional comm. card failure. 6 Note 1: PLC Watchdog failed on 2nd Nov. around 3h was found in HALT during access on 4th Nov., set to RUN around 12h Failed again on 5th Nov., around 7h H4IRRAD EN/EL 2011 Georges Burdet, Matija Zanko (EL/CO)

Description Action Result Quantity “Watchdog” failure Output Q7 not activated, CPU in STOP Power Cycle CPU went to RUN mode (data changes) Occasional loss of communication. 15 Communication failure Communication Unstable. Occurred while “Watchdog” was activated. 2 H4IRRAD EN/EL 2011 Georges Burdet, Matija Zanko (EL/CO)

10 H4IRRAD: Beam activity H4IRRAD EN/EL 2011
RadMon references SIMA.887.H4RAD01:SEU_COUNT (external, EN/ICE PLC + GTO) SIMA.887.H4RAD02:SEU_COUNT (external, EN/EL TITAN) SIMA.887.H4RAD05:SEU_COUNT (external, EN/EL Ackerman) H4IRRAD EN/EL 2011 Georges Burdet, Matija Zanko (EL/CO)

11 PREMIUM: Events correlated with Beam activity
- Red CPU watchdog activation - yellow both communication channel failure - dark blue integrated SCP114 communication failure - Light blue additional SCP114 communication failure H4IRRAD EN/EL 2011 Georges Burdet, Matija Zanko (EL/CO)

12 TWIDO: Events correlated with Beam activity
- Red TWIDO process failure - Yellow TWIDO communication failure H4IRRAD EN/EL 2011 Georges Burdet, Matija Zanko (EL/CO)

13 Check conditions in US15 where TWIDO PLC are installed.
Next Steps How to extrapolate H4IRRAD beam activity during this period to LHC nominal conditions in RE/US/UJ areas? Check conditions in US15 where TWIDO PLC are installed.

14 Start Time Event Solution End Time Duration 19/10 14:14 Both SCP114 Manual power cycle 19/10 15:50 1:35:13 20/10 11:46 CPU failure 20/10 13:41 1:54:38 21/10 10:53 power cycle on 29/10/ :34:03 29/10 15:34 4:40:24 21/10 10:54 21/10 11:23 0:29:07 22/10 15:50 23/10 09:04 17:14:22 23/10 23:33 24/10 07:48 8:14:58 24/10 11:03 24/10 11:26 0:22:28 24/10 16:02 24/10 16:18 0:15:45 24/10 16:46 24/10 17:02 0:15:41 24/10 18:22 24/10 18:36 0:13:41 24/10 22:30 24/10 22:38 0:07:52 25/10 00:45 25/10 00:51 0:05:55 25/10 02:27 25/10 02:42 0:14:44 25/10 04:48 25/10 05:06 0:18:05 25/10 06:36 25/10 06:48 0:11:17 25/10 10:14 25/10 10:42 0:27:34 25/10 12:34 25/10 13:35 1:01:25 25/10 17:15 Automatic power cycle 0:00:22 25/10 17:51 0:00:25 25/10 21:33 0:00:23 27/10 15:46 27/10 21:02 27/10 21:03 0:00:33 27/10 21:46 Aux SCP114 27/10 21:54 0:07:51 27/10 22:29 0:00:29 27/10 22:54 27/10 22:55 28/10 01:23 0:00:26 28/10 13:11 28/10 13:12 28/10 13:40 28/10 13:41 28/10 19:12 28/10 19:13 28/10 19:31 0:00:21 29/10 12:57 0:00:34 29/10 15:33 29/10 20:28 power cycle on 29/10/ :34:18 29/10 20:34 0:06:13 29/10 20:28 Both SCP114 Automatic power cycle 29/10 20:29 0:00:31 29/10 20:33 29/10 20:34 0:00:23 29/10 21:03 CPU failure power cycle on 02/11/ :58:12 02/11 02:58 5:54:18 29/10 21:04 0:00:26 29/10 21:35 30/10 01:53 0:00:27 30/10 02:11 30/10 02:12 0:00:38 30/10 02:18 Aux SCP114 30/10 02:35 0:16:31 30/10 02:34 Main SCP114 card 0:00:25 30/10 06:42 0:00:24 30/10 07:12 Manual power cycle 0:00:03 30/10 08:55 30/10 09:13 0:17:54 30/10 16:35 30/10 16:36 0:00:30 30/10 19:43 0:00:35 30/10 20:04 31/10 05:02 8:57:40 31/10 06:49 31/10 11:07 Unknown 0:00:12 31/10 17:50 01/11 03:47 0:00:21 01/11 11:42 0:00:07 01/11 14:30 0:00:29 01/11 21:14 01/11 21:24 0:10:02 01/11 21:25 01/11 22:15 0:00:33 02/11 02:04 02/11 02:05 02/11 02:48 0:09:27 02/11 02:57 03/11 02:58 0:01:00 02/11 03:08 Manual CPU reset 04/11 11:49 8:40:15 02/11 03:09 8:39:48 05/11 06:58 Unsolved ########## 05/11 06:59 0:00:22 05/11 14:16 0:00:32 05/11 15:03 0:00:00 05/11 16:30 05/11 16:31 06/11 11:22

15 The primary beam from the SPS is directed towards the T2 target (serving both H2 and the H4 line).
The corresponding TIMBER variable is XBH4.T2:TBIU_INTENSITY (measured in unit of 1011 protons). The beam is extracted from the SPS with a slow extraction and the spill length is 9690 ms. The secondary beam is then guided towards the EHN1 building, where the experimental areas are located; the H4IRRAD secondary target could receive a maximum of 109 proton/spill due to RP constraints. The secondary beam intensity is measured via: o   The coincidence counts between two scintillators: the variable is XBH4.XSCI :COINCIDENCE (unit are protons, saturating above few 106 protons/spill) so not reliable at these high intensities o   The counts from an ionization chamber upstream the H4IRRAD target: the variable is XBH4.XION.408:COUNTS (units are counts) Use a calibration factor of 6300 protons/ION count to know how many protons are impinging on the H4IRRAD target. When running with a secondary beam intensity on the H4IRRAD target of 1.6*104 ION/spill which corresponds to ~1*108 protons/spill, is almost 1/10 of the nominal intensity. The radiation field is monitored online via RadMon detectors, installed on different equipment: SIMA.887.H4RAD01:SEU_COUNT (external, EN/ICE PLC + GTO) SIMA.887.H4RAD02:SEU_COUNT (external, EN/EL TITAN) SIMA.887.H4RAD03:SEU_COUNT (internal, TE/EPC ADCs) SIMA.887.H4RAD04:SEU_COUNT (internal, EN/STI beam axis) SIMA.887.H4RAD05:SEU_COUNT (external, EN/EL Ackerman) Interpretation of the radiation field is responsibility of the H4IRRAD team. Refer to us for cumulated high energy hadrons and dose values. We will provide a complete overview of the radiation levels at the end of the irradiation. Marco and the H4IRRAD team

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