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Vision Statement Creating a Christian Learning Community, Committed to Excellence for All.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision Statement Creating a Christian Learning Community, Committed to Excellence for All."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision Statement Creating a Christian Learning Community, Committed to Excellence for All.

2 Our Christian Values Our Christian values are an integral element of our school ethos .The school upholds and promotes each individual’s spiritual, moral ,social and cultural values within the Christian ethos.

3 Our School Aims To promote the Christian ethos of our school through positive relationships and partnerships with the children, their families and the wider community. Strive for academic excellence where all children are challenged and supported in their learning. Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that encourages curiosity, an enquiring mind and a love of learning. Offer excellent care and guidance where children are enabled to be safe ,happy and healthy.

4 Priorities 2016/17 3 Leadership and Management Main Priorities
1 Pupil Outcomes To continue to improve standards across all areas but particularly in writing ,so that the number of children reaching age related expectations exceeds national averages. 2.Teaching, Learning and Assessment To ensure all teaching is good and better by: ensuring questioning is used effectively to identify misconceptions and deepen pupils understanding; further developing the teaching of writing at KS2,particulary with regard to GPS and handwriting. To further develop pupils as independent learners by embedding a ‘choice and challenge ‘ approach to differentiation. 3 Leadership and Management To continue to develop an ethos within the school where staff and pupils excel through self-improvement. To further improve systems to collate and interpret performance data across the curriculum. To develop the knowledge and skills of middle leaders in order to improve pupil outcomes across all curriculum areas. To develop and embed the role of Governors so they continue to hold the school to account for improvements.

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