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Lord of the Flies.

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1 Lord of the Flies

2 Summary Piggy and Ralph are on the beach ashamed of Simon’s death. Piggy thinks it was an accident, but Ralph thinks they were part of the murder. They’re alone other than Sam, Eric, and a handful of littluns have joined Jack. Jack punishes the kids for no reason. He beats Wilfred and uses that to scare the boys. Everyone believes that Simon really was the beast. Jack says the beast is never truly dead. He gets Maurice and Roger to raid Ralph for more fire. At Ralph’s camp, they’re awakened and suddenly being attacked. The hunters beat Ralph and his companions. Nobody knows why though. Piggy knows because they steal his glasses and have power over the fire.

3 Media Connection We choose the TV hit series “Lost” because both “The Lord of the Flies” and “Lost” deal with being deserted on an island with no way home. Even though “The Lord of the Flies” deals with little boys on and island fighting for their lives, it still shows how people both groups of people form together to survive. Also, the weakness of humans while put in a situation they were in.

4 Real Life Example Ashley- When my cousin and I got into a fight, we never got along. She threw sand at my face, so I pushed her over. April- When I got nailed in the face with a ball, while playing with my friends. Nate- My little brother and I got into a fight about the volume of the TV. He pushed me, so I kicked him in the ribs and hit him in the stomach. Tim- My friend and I fought over playing with toys when him and I were little. We both said we won the fight, so we threw the toys at each others faces.

5 Ralph We chose Nathan Kress because in the show I-Carly, he is the one who comes up with up all the ideas. Most people do not listen to his ideas.

6 Jack We picked Dean Portman because in the movie Mighty Ducks, he was a big tough guy who could tell people what to do and by his actions he performed.

7 Piggy We picked Josh Peck from the show Drake and Josh. Josh like Piggy always has ideas and knows what to say, but Piggy like Josh is always bossed around and ignored.

8 Simon Haley Joel Osment was the person we chose for Simon. Both of these people are caring, soft spoken people, who care about others more than themselves.

9 Sameric Dylan and Cole Sprouse were our pick for Sameric. Both Dylan and Cole are cowards and always have excuses for when they mess up on something they were told to do.

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