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Human Body Systems Bones, Muscles, Skin.

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1 Human Body Systems Bones, Muscles, Skin

2 Get out yesterday’s packet and use the first page to come up with two of your own questions

3 1- Bones, Muscle and Skin The skeletal system supports the body, helps it move, and protects internal organs. Bones help to store fat and calcium and make red blood cells.

4 Bones are protected by cartilage and are connected to other bones by ligaments at joints.
Tendon: Bone to Muscle Ligament: Bone to Bone

5 Muscles Muscles support and stabilize the skeleton, enable bones and organs to move, protect the body, and regulate temperature.

6 Skeletal Muscles – ones
connected to your bones that you can control Involuntary muscles- which include the cardiac (heart) muscle that pumps blood and the smooth muscles ( Stomach) that move food and blood

7 Smooth Muscle Skeletal Muscle Tissue Cardiac Muscle

8 The muscular system interacts with the skeleton to protect, support, and move the body. Muscles work to pump blood, help digest food and move.

9 Torn ACL- Oh no Mo!!!!!

10 Bone & Muscle Review Where is blood made? What connects bone to bone?
What connect muscle to bone? Name the flexible bone-like substance that protects bones. What are three different types of muscles? I can control __________ muscles but I can not control _________ muscles.

11 Do Now: Pick up the skeleton sheet at the desk Use the green life science text with the Poffins (penguin looking things) on it to complete this sheet Be sure to use page # 420

12 Structure of Bones The hard, outer portions of bones are made of a dense web of fibers called compact bone tissue. The small holes in spongy bone tissue make it less dense than a compact bone.

13 Structure of Bones (cont.)
The insides of most bones contain bone marrow. Red bone marrow, found in the spongy ends of long bones and in some flat bones, is the tissue where red blood cells are made. Yellow bone marrow stores fat and is found inside the longest part of long bones.

14 Structure of Bones (cont.)
Cartilage is a strong, flexible tissue that covers the ends of bones. Cartilage prevents the surfaces of bones from rubbing against each other and reduces friction.

15 Structure of Bones (cont.)
The long bones in children and young teens have regions of bone growth, called growth plates, that produce new bone cells.

16 Growth continues until adulthood, when most of the cartilage has turned to bone.

17 Bone Injuries and Diseases
A broken bone is called a fracture. Broken bones are able to repair themselves, but it is a slow process because a broken bone must be held together while it heals.

18 Arthritis is a disease in which joints become irritated or inflamed, such as when cartilage in joints is damaged or wears away.

19 Osteoporosis is a common bone disease which causes bones to weaken and become brittle.

20 Healthy Bones One of the best ways to keep bones healthy is to exercise. Without exercise, bones weaken and lose mass. Bones need a balanced diet that includes calcium and Vitamin D.

21 The Skeletal System and Homeostasis
Because bones supply calcium to your nerves, muscles, and heart, a healthy skeletal system is important in maintaining your body’s homeostasis. Working together with muscles, bones enable you to move away from unpleasant stimuli or danger.

22 Skin: Excuse me, but your epidermis is showing!
The skin… protects the body (environment and pathogens) regulates temperature (how so?) contains receptors that respond to stimuli (like…?) makes vitamin D (I’m happy!) helps eliminate waste.

23 The skin has three layers.
The epidermis is the outermost layer. ( Tanning?- The epidermis produces melanin, which protects the body from ultraviolet rays.) The dermis is below, and holds onto hair follicles and sweat glands Hypodermis- stores fat and helps insulate

24 Happiness!- Vitamin D actually makes you feel happier!

25 A closer look at the dermis
If the blood vessels below the skin gets damaged a bruise is formed.

26 Skin Review Name at least five ways the skin helps you survive
In what layer of the skin would you find a sweat gland? In what layer do you find dead skin cells? In what layer do you find fat? List three environmental factors that your skin prevents from getting into your blood-stream

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