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Supporting your child through their exams

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting your child through their exams"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting your child through their exams
An evening for parents


3 Academy Parent Student

4 Exams are coming

5 207

6 109

7 25

8 Worst-Case Scenario English – 2 English Lit – 2 Maths – 3
Further Maths – 2 Triple Science – 6 History – 3 Option 2 – 2 Option 3 – 2 Psychology - 3

9 Imminent Assessments and Exams

10 Assessment Planners

11 Controlled Assessments & Practicals
Computing ICT Drama Dance PE

12 And… External BTEC assessments (H&SC, Construction)
Food practicals and exam MFL Speaking exams CiDA exams PE moderation GCSE Art exam

13 or search: redhill smhw
View your child’s homework tasks A unique 9-digit PIN is available to all parents to set up an account or search: redhill smhw

14 LRC from 8.00am until 4.30pm After school subject clubs and catch up sessions Sports, performing arts and other clubs

15 Staging Posts Progress Reports 19th Dec 14th Feb 29th March
Parents’ Evening: 10th January

16 27th Nov – 8th Dec 12th -16th March
Mock Exams 27th Nov – 8th Dec 12th -16th March

17 Mock Results Day – 15th December

18 Support Exam timetables After-school sessions Revision skills lessons
Assertive mentors Booster sessions English/Maths support

19 Easter Revision School

20 Memories are made up of this

21 “If you wish to forget anything on the spot, make a note that this thing is to be remembered.” Edgar Allan Poe

22 Research

23 Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve

24 Robert Bjork – memory doesn’t decay!
Didn’t take root

25 John Dunlovsky - most effective strategies
Distributed practice Spread out revision rather than ‘massed practice’ (cramming) Students need persuading – it seems slower Students need help planning

26 Practice testing Tests must be built into the revision process
Revisit tests – diagnose areas of uncertainty


28 Leave nothing to chance!

29 Where can you find help?

30 Anaesthetics A5 Revision Cards Antiseptic Problems Surgery Blood loss

31 A5 Revision Cards Of Mice and Men Key events Themes Setting
Main characters

32 Spider Diagrams Arch Stack Cave Cliff erosion Coastal features

33 Trigonometry and Pythagoras
Fishbone diagram SohCahToa Sin x = o/h Cos x = a/h Tan x = o/a Trigonometry and Pythagoras

34 Topic 1 Topic 2

35 Flow diagram Topic Area:


37 Where can you find help?

38 Knowing what they will ask you…
Command words

39 How many of these could you answer?
Zarg why there is less pollution from traffic exhaust fumes if more people travel by bus, instead of by car. Zonk the siting of the power station at site B. Zurb the amount of tiles needed for the swimming pool in example 1. Zeep Hitler’s rule of Germany in the 1930s with that of Stalin in the USSR.

40 Command words Justify Describe Account for Contrast Compare Summarise
Calculate Evaluate

41 Zarg why there is less pollution from traffic exhaust fumes if more people travel by bus, instead of by car. Zonk the siting of the power station at site B. Zurb the amount of tiles needed for the swimming pool in example Zeep Hitler’s rule Germany in the 1930s with that of Stalin in the USSR. Justify Calculate Explain Compare

42 Failing to prepare is preparing to fail

43 Card sort Look at the actions on the cards.
Sort them into those that should be done: Weeks before the exam The week of the exam The night before the exam The day of the exam In the exam hall

44 “You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result.” Mahatma Gandhi A Revision Timetable

45 Date AM PM Revision 1 Revision 2
Lunch PM After school Revision 1 Revision 2

46 “Time management is not about being busy planning your life away
“Time management is not about being busy planning your life away. Time management is about getting what you want out of your time!” Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Morning Dance class Afternoon Early Evening (4pm – 6pm) Evening (7pm – 9pm)

47 Hockey Match (alternate weeks)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Morning Dance Class Hockey Match (alternate weeks) Afternoon Early Evening (4pm – 6pm) Dance class Hockey Practice Evening (7pm – 9pm)


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