Select the best pocket pet or bird for a given use.

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Presentation on theme: "Select the best pocket pet or bird for a given use."— Presentation transcript:

1 Select the best pocket pet or bird for a given use.
Essential Standard 9.00

2 Discuss the major breeds of pocket pets and birds.
Objective 9.01

3 Rabbits Rabbits – been developed into forty-­‐five recognized breeds. These are divided into five weight categories. (Dwarf or Miniature – Himalayan, Small – Dutch, Medium – English Spot, Large – New Zealand, and Giant – Giant Angora)

4 Dwarf/Small 1. Dwarf or Miniature a. Himalayan – one of the oldest breeds with the widest distribution of any breed. As this rabbit matures it becomes snow white with deep black nose, ears, feet, and tail. 2. Small a. Dutch – Have unique color markings with colored patches on each side of the head that encircle the eyes and ears with a white blaze on the forehead and down over the nose and front legs to form a white belt. The rear half is also colored the same as the head. b. Florida white – developed in Florida by crossing Dutch, Polish, and New Zealand Whites. This rabbit is bred for a small meat rabbit or a laboratory rabbit.

5 Medium a. English Spot –A unique chain of markings, the size of a pea, run from the base of the ear to the rear flank.  b. Belgian Hare –This is a true rabbit that is known as the racehorse or greyhound of rabbits.  c. Rex – short hair coat, with guard hairs being on the same length as the under fur. The fur has a very soft, plush feel.

6 Large a. Californian: cross of a Himalayan and a Chinchilla and crossed with White New Zealand. White with black-­‐colored nose, ears, feet and tail, and the eyes are red b. English Lop: oldest domestic rabbit breed known and bred for long ears (23" -­‐ 24" common).  c. New Zealand: leading choice for commercial meat production. White is preferred because the small hairs that remain cannot be seen

7 Giant a. Giant Angora: developed for maximum amount of wool production. White rabbit that has the body structure of a commercial animal with a unique three-­‐layer coat structure of wool.  b. French Lop: ears are shorter than the English Lop and hang down in a horseshoe shape from the crown approximately 1 ½ inches or more below the muzzle.  c. Flemish Giant: originated in Belgium. This is the largest of all the domestic rabbit breeds.

8 Pocket Pets Pocket Pets are not defined by breeds. Rather they are grouped by colors and/or color patterns.

9 Hamsters a. Golden hamster: Adults reach 5"-­‐ 6" long and weigh about 4 ounces. Has rich mahogany or orange color on the back with a white or creamy colored underside and legs.  b. Dwarf/small desert hamster: light gray with a dark stripe down the back, smaller than the Golden, 4"-­‐ 4 ½" long. These are active friendly pets, but because of their smaller size, they are more difficult for children to handle.

10 Gerbils/Rats/Mice Gerbil a. Adult gerbils reach 6"-­‐ 8" long nose to tail and weigh 3 – 4 ounces. b. Mongolian Gerbil: reddish brown to dark brown. Rat a. Black: tail is longer than the head and body, and the ears are about half as long as the head. Color is usually black or dark gray with a brown or gray-­‐white underside. b. Brown: larger than the black rat and the tail is always shorter than the head and body. Thicker and more robust with short and more rounded ears and fur is dark to gray brown on the back with lighter colors on the underside. Mice a. Self-­‐colors -­‐ are one color b. Tans-­‐ any color with tan belly c. Piebald or pied marked mice-­‐ mice with spots, patches or broken patterns d. Satins-­‐ any color or markings with satin coat

11 Guinea Pigs a. Adult guinea pigs reach 8 -­‐14" in length and may weigh from 1 to 4 pounds. b. Guinea pigs have very sensitive hearing and can detect frequencies beyond the human ear. c. Self-­‐defense for guinea pigs is to stand on hind legs and chatter with their teeth. d. Abyssinian-­‐ rough, wiry hair coat. The hair is made up of swirls or cowlicks called rosettes. e. American-­‐ hair is short, very glossy and fine in texture. f. Peruvian-­‐ longhaired variety that may reach 20"in length. Since guinea pigs do not have a tail it is difficult to distinguish the front from the back of the Peruvian. It looks like an animated mop. g. Satin-­‐ coat is fine, dense, and soft, and has sheen.

12 Chinchillas a. Adults range in length from 9 -­‐15 inches with a tail of 3 – 10 inches and weigh 1 – 2 pounds. b. Standard: blue-­‐gray that is most popular c. White: mutation with black eyes d. Beige: pearl colored to pastel colored e. Black: has a black undercoat, very narrow gray-­‐white band, jet-­‐black veil (tips of fur) and high density

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