Materiel Development Decision (MDD) to Milestone A (MS A)

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Presentation on theme: "Materiel Development Decision (MDD) to Milestone A (MS A)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Materiel Development Decision (MDD) to Milestone A (MS A)
Tom Fritz

2 Lesson Objectives Determine the key Requirements Manager activities and the role of the ICD leading up to the Materiel Development Decision (MDD) and during Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA) phase Explain the inputs to the MDD Explain the outputs from MDD -- decisions and approvals Summarize the purpose and major activities that take place during the MSA phase and the links between those activities Explain the Milestone A decisions and approvals

3 Materiel Development Decision (MDD)
AoA review and Portfolio Assessment Full Rate Production / Full Deployment Joint Concepts President SECDEF CJCS Joint Community Strategic Guidance Disposal Capabilities - Based Assessment Technology Maturation & Risk Reduction Engineering & Manufacturing Development Production & Deployment Operations & Support A MDD Draft CDD ICD AoA report B C CPD Materiel Solution Analysis Sustainment CDD Validation RFP Release MDD is mandatory for all programs – “…is the entry point into …for all…” (pg 15 Interim DoDI ) For DAB oversight programs (ACAT 1D, ACAT 1AM, and selected): DCAPE presents the AoA Study Guidance AoA lead organization presents DCAPE approved AoA Study Plan Component provides the plan to staff and fund follow-on actions How is MDD conducted for Service and Agency programs – IC, II, III ..?

4 Materiel Development Decision (MDD) Inputs and Outputs
AoA review and Portfolio Assessment Full Rate Production / Full Deployment Joint Concepts President SECDEF CJCS Joint Community Strategic Guidance Disposal Capabilities - Based Assessment Technology Maturation & Risk Reduction Engineering & Manufacturing Development Production & Deployment Operations & Support A MDD Draft CDD ICD AoA report B C CPD Materiel Solution Analysis Sustainment CDD Validation RFP Release Milestone Decision Authority Inputs: Validated - Validation Authority Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) Approved AoA Study Guidance - DCAPE Approved AoA Study Plan – AoA Lead Org Additional Analysis supporting preliminary conclusions to narrow range of alternatives – DoD Component Tentative affordability cost goals and inventory goals to scope AoA Outputs: Entry into the acquisition process MDA’s Acquisition Decision Memorandum Designates lead DoD Component Determines the acquisition phase of entry Identifies initial review milestone Approved AoA Study Guidance and Study Plan will be attached

5 Pre-MDD Activities - Summary
ICD validated (reviewed and approved by the validation authority) ICD recommends type of materiel approach(es) preferred Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) AoA Study Guidance & AoA Study Plan approved prior to MDD Sponsor works with Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (DCAPE) on AoA Study Guidance & AoA Study Plan (JROC Interest programs only – Component process for others) Sponsor works with MDA’s staff to ensure other additional information is provided to enable the desired MDD outcomes for entry into the acquisition process

6 MDD to Milestone A Entry at Materiel Solution Analysis
AoA review and Portfolio Assessment Full Rate Production / Full Deployment CDD Validation RFP Release A B C MDD Draft CDD ICD CDD CPD Materiel Solution Analysis Strategic Guidance Joint Concepts Capabilities - Based Assessment Technology Maturation & Risk Reduction Engineering & Manufacturing Development Production & Deployment Operations & Support President SECDEF CJCS Joint Community AoA report Sustainment Disposal

7 MDD to Milestone A Requirements Management Activities
Materiel Solution Analysis Materiel Development Decision A ICD AS – Acquisition Strategy ASR – Alternative Systems Review TEMP – Test and Evaluation Master Plan TMRR – Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction phase SEP – Systems Engineering Plan RAM-C - Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Cost Contract(s) A AoA Report B Final RFP TMRR Phase ASR Draft CDD AoA and AoA Reporting Purpose: Conduct analysis, choose concept, and begin planning CAE selects Program Manager and establishes Program Management Office Translate capability gaps into system specific requirements (KPP and KSA) Conduct analysis to choose the concept for the product Conduct planning to support the decision on the acquisition strategy Requirements Management Activities Help ensure AoA assesses solutions to satisfy the validated ICD Support Conduct of AoA (AoA Report briefing for FCB) Support writing of: AS, TEMP, SEP, RAM-C Report, CYBER Security Strategy Support initial estimates for: Affordability Goals, Cost, and PPBE documents Develop: Operational Mode Summary/Mission Profile (OMS/MP) (JLTV Example – Army example) Approved Draft CDD – “required” to support MS A and TMRR phase but not submitted to JCIDS Sustainment KPP is directly dependent on RAM-C analysis and report

8 Reliability Analysis, Planning, Tracking, and Reporting
The Program Manager will formulate a comprehensive R&M program using an appropriate strategy to ensure reliability and maintainability requirements are achieved. PM will prepare the RAM-C Report in support of Milestone A Attached to the Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) at MS A, updated in support of the Development RFP Release Decision Point, Milestone B, and Milestone C Reliability growth curves included in SEP at MS A, updated in the TEMP beginning at MS B. Multiple curves maybe required for subsystems Programs other than JROC Interest develop RAM-C Reports as determined by DoD Component or PM See, DoD Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Cost Rationale Report Manual, June 1, 2009 and Encl. 3, interim DoDI What is current practice? Is RAM-C Report Executive Summary being attached to (or Referenced in) CDD & CPD to support Sustainment KPP?

9 Milestone A Component Presents
The approach for acquiring the preferred materiel solution with Acquisition Strategy (AS), business approach, assessed program risk, technology development, “should cost management” targets Affordability analysis and proposed affordability goals Quantitative assessment within the prospective portfolio Affordability goals include unit production and sustainment cost Component Cost Estimate for preferred solution(s) Full funding in FYDP MDA makes decisions, and signs ADM, on : The materiel solution The plan [Acquisition Strategy] for the next phase – TMRR Release of final RFP for TMRR phase Exit criteria required to complete TMRR and enter EMD Additional MDA activity 2366a Certification, Title 10 section 2366a Notes: A favorable Milestone A decision does not mean a new acquisition program has been initiated. Potential exception - ship building programs may be initiated at MS A a includes 25% cost increase / schedule delay notification for certified MDAPs.

10 2366a Certification at MS A RM interest areas are in bold
MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Milestone A Program Certification As required by Section 2366a of Title 10, United States Code, I have consulted with the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) on matters related to program requirements and military needs for the (name of program) and certify that: (1) the program fulfills an approved initial capabilities document; (2) the program is being executed by an entity with a relevant core function as identified by the Secretary of Defense; (3) a determination of applicability of core depot-level maintenance and repair capabilities requirements has been made; (4) an analysis of alternatives has been performed consistent with the study guidance developed by the Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (DCAPE); (5) a cost estimate for the program has been submitted, with the concurrence of the DCAPE, and the level of resources required to develop, procure, and sustain the program is consistent with the priority level assigned by the JROC; and (6) [only include if the system duplicates a capability already provided by an existing system] the duplication provided by this system and (name of existing system) program is necessary and appropriate. RM interest areas are in bold

11 Linkage: ICD, AoA, draft CDD, & Contract(s) for TMRR Phase
Materiel Development Decision Milestone A Strategic Direction Joint Concepts CONOPS Feedback from field Cost Estimate & $$ Full Funding in FYDP Final RFP for TMRR Phase Component approved Contract(s) Draft CDD ICD SPECs Preliminary CBA AoA Capability attributes MOEs/ MOPs KPPs/ KSAs TMRR Materiel Solution Analysis Phase 10

12 Back Up Information

13 Oversight & Review DAE CAE PEO IPT’s assist in oversight & review DAB
Acquisition Category ACAT ID and IC DAB - Defense Acquisition Board OIPT - Overarching Integrated Product Team USD(AT&L) Defense Acquisition Executive $480M RDT&E or $2.79B Procurement (FY2014 Constant $) DAE Makes Decisions Signs ADM ACAT IAM and IAC DAB $520M Life Cycle Cost or $165M Total Prog. Cost or $40M Prog. Cost in any single year (FY2014 Constant $) OIPTs Overarching IPT’s (OIPT’s) Issue resolution Configuration Steering Boards ACAT IC/ IAC (decision level) Component Acquisition Executive (Asst Secretary) Makes ACAT IC, IAC & II Decisions Signs ADM CAE ACAT II Working-Level IPT’s (WIPT’s) $185M RDT&E or $835M Procurement (FY2014 Constant $) Component HQ Review Issue resolution Program Level IPT’s Program Executive Officer (General Officer/SES Civilian) ACAT III PEO Makes ACAT III/IV Decisions Signs ADM Does not meet Above Criteria Not a MAIS program IPT’s assist in oversight & review Program Manager (Col/LtCol/Civilian Equivalent) ACAT IV PM Navy USMC Return Note: Some PMs report directly to CAE.

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