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For the Love of Teaching and Dislike of the Classroom

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Presentation on theme: "For the Love of Teaching and Dislike of the Classroom"— Presentation transcript:

1 For the Love of Teaching and Dislike of the Classroom
Heather Balas, Hiram College Julie Novotny, Kent State University

2 Educational Studies Majors
Who has an Educational Studies or non-licensure Education major at your institution? Who has employment opportunities for graduates with a non-licensure Education major?

3 Scenario 1 Shannon is about to graduate and is not enjoying her student teaching experience. She never really wanted to teach, but her parents told her that if they are going to pay for her degree, she has to have a “legitimate major with strong career options”. Sally has done the bare minimum to stay an education major and now is not behaving professionally. She was removed from her student teaching experience, and from the major.

4 What is Educational Studies – why do people look at it negatively?

5 Scenario 2 Kelly is an education major who had the opportunity to do some of her field work in a non-traditional location – at an environmental center that runs workshops for local school students. Kelly fell in love with this form of education and no longer wants to search for a job in a traditional classroom.

6 How can we help support these students?

7 Scenario 3 Tim is about to graduate but cannot pass his final licensure exams. He is a top student and was well loved by his field supervisors. His supervisors and professors all agree that he would be a wonderful teacher and could motivate and inspire students in powerful ways. He is frustrated that he is struggling to complete his licensure requirements and is worried about what he can do if he cannot get a teaching position when he graduates.

8 What careers would be a good fit for students who won’t be licensed teachers?

9 Transferrable Skills Activity

10 Scenario 4 Tony has always wanted to help students. He isn’t interested in becoming a teacher, but he chooses his college tours based on which institutions have an educational studies major. He tells his friends and teachers that he wants to major in educational studies and is thrilled. They tell him that he is “too smart for a fake major and should be an education major and get licensed so he can find a real job.”

11 What can we do to educate people that non-licensure majors are still “real” majors?

12 Questions and Comments
Thank you for joining us!

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