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INF385T: Information Modeling — Class 14 Semantic Web Vocabulary Systems RDF, RDFS, OWL Slides for November 30, 2016 Karen Wickett

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1 INF385T: Information Modeling — Class Semantic Web Vocabulary Systems RDF, RDFS, OWL Slides for November 30, Karen Wickett School of Information University of Texas at Austin

2 RDF The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a language for representing information about resources in the World Wide Web. [W3C - RDF Primer] The RDF specification is published by the W3C and is considered a fundamental part of the Semantic Web. Some projects: dbpedia bibframe Europeana / DPLA

3 Resource Description Framework
RDF gives a general model for describing things - by saying that some thing has a particular property with a particular value. These descriptions are intended to be processed by software and shared across applications and computing environments without loss of meaning. RDF by itself is typically expressed with a graphical convention. There are several serialization syntaxes for RDF: RDF/XML, Trig, Turtle, N3, JSON-LD

4 Ontologies and the Semantic Web
RDF lets us make statements about individual resources and their properties. RDFS lets us describe the vocabulary we’re using in terms of domain/range and class/subclass relationships But we may need to say more than we can we with RDFS. For example: That two URIs refer to the same individual That two URIs refer to the same property That a property is symmetric or transitive Cardinality and participation constraints. These are beyond the expressiveness of RDFS. We need an ontology language.

5 But first... what is ontology?
In philosophy and metaphysics: The science or study of being/reality/existence [in general] - dictionary definitions of the most general philosophical sense of ontology The favorite (informatic) definition: “An ontology is an explicit specification of a conceptualization of a domain”. Tom Gruber (1993).

6 Ontologies in contemporary informatics
Comes from a CS/AI background, but is evolving, based on a more sophisticated understanding of needs and opportunities in informatics Objectives: designing information systems (same as conceptual modeling) interoperating information systems integrating data Inferencing and analysis

7 Ontologies and the Semantic Web
The W3C “Layer Cake” diagram:

8 The Web Ontology Language (OWL)
From the W3C ( OWL 2 is a Semantic Web language designed to represent rich and complex knowledge about things, groups of things, and relations between things. OWL documents, known as ontologies, can be published in the World Wide Web and may refer to or be referred from other OWL ontologies. OWL 2 ontologies provide classes, properties, individuals, and data values and are stored as Semantic Web documents. OWL 2 ontologies can be used along with information written in RDF OWL 2 ontologies themselves are primarily exchanged as RDF documents. So, OWL is a language for creating ontologies. (not itself an ontology)

9 RDF Data Model The basic structure of a single descriptive assertion in RDF is a triple, an ordered set of these three elements subject (thing) predicate (property) object (value) In RDF each these elements should be referred to with a URI. However: “Objects in RDF statements may be either URIrefs, or constant values (called literals) represented by character strings, in order to represent certain kinds of property values.” – RDF Primer

10 Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)
This is a convention for generating “compact strings” that unambiguously refer to a resource. Resources here can be anything. Webpages, people, concepts, books, planets, organizations, species (e.g. Equus ferus), individual animals (e.g. Secretariat), etc. Anything. This is a world of things with properties. We name the things (subject) and the general properties (predicate) with URIs. We name the property values (object) with URIs or typed literals.

11 RDF Graph Languague In the RDF graph language: predicate subject
object An RDF graph is a collection of triples.

12 example -- to express in RDF
A simple bibliographic description expressed using simple Dublin Core*: identifier = b128935 title = The Intellectual Foundation of Information Organization creator = Elaine Svenonius date = 2000 publisher = MIT Press language = english type = text *

13 expressing DC in RDF The description as a (simplifed) RDF graph.
dc:creator “b128935” Elaine Svenonius dc:publisher MIT Press dc:identifier dc:date 2000 dc:title “The Intellectual...” dc:language English dc:type text

14 expressing DC in RDF RDF graph with URIs.
“b128935” “The Intellectual...”

15 Querying RDF SPARQL is a query language for RDF where you specify a “graph pattern” that individual triples are matched against. To return all resources (and their titles) where dc:date is “2000”, you would issue the following query PREFIX dc: SELECT ?x ?title WHERE{ ?x dc:date “2000”. ?x dc:title ?title }

16 RDF description as triples
< < <”b128935”>. < < <”The Intellectual Foundation of Information Organization”>. < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

17 in a triple store Subject Predicate Object
"b128935" "The Intellectual Foundation of Information Organization"

18 Example in RDF/XML Syntax
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=" xmlns:dc=" <rdf:Description rdf:about=" <dc:title>The Intellectual Foundation of Information Organization</dc:title> <dc:creator rdf:resource=“ <dc:date rdf:resource=“ <dc:publisher rdf:resource=“ Category:Massachusetts_Institute_of_Technology”/> <dc:language rdf:resource=“ <dc:type rdf:resource=“ </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF>

19 RDF in FOL How would we translate the example RDF graph into FOL?
What features of FOL are needed to express the assertions in the graph? Recall that the graph is a collection of triples of the form <subject, predicate, object>.

20 Syntax and Semantics Specify the syntax and semantics of the fragment of FOL necessary to express the RDF graph. What do we need in FOL to say everything in the last few slides? Note from the RDF Concepts and Abstract Syntax: The assertion of an RDF graph amounts to asserting all the triples in it, so the meaning of an RDF graph is the conjunction (logical AND) of the statements corresponding to all the triples it contains.

21 A fragment of note EC - the Existential Conjunctive fragment of first order logic. This fragment of FOL contains predicates, a single (existential) quantifier, and conjunction. Intuitively, the assertions in an RDF graph are making existential statements. This fragment is well-known and computationally tractable.

22 Inference system for EC
Given the fragment of FOL that corresponds to RDF, what kinds of inferences can be made? How would an inference be carried out? Derivation Rule: You can derive a sentence as a conclusion when that sentence appears as a conjunct in the premises.

23 Metatheory of the EC fragment
This is a fragment of FOL. So the results on soundness and completeness hold here. However, the expressiveness here is less than that of FOL. Connectives: There is no negation. Therefore no way no deny any particular assertion. There is no universal quantification There is no way to express the conditional. This simplifies inferencing, but also reduces it - No Modus Ponens. Predication: There are only dyadic predicates. Therefore no (direct) way to express 3-place relations.

24 “Readers who are familiar with conventional logical semantics may find it useful to think of RDF as a version of existential binary relational logic in which relations are first-class entities in the universe of quantification. Such a logic can be obtained by encoding the relational atom R(a,b) into a conventional logical syntax, using a notional three-place relation Triple(a,R,b).” -W3C Semantics

25 RDF and RDFS RDFS (RDF Schema) is a set of RDF properties that let us describe vocabularies

26 Core elements of RDFS rdf:type rdfs:class rdfs:subclass rdfs:domain
connects a resource with a class rdfs:class states that something is a class rdfs:subclass states that one class is a subclass of another rdfs:domain rdfs:range

27 expressing DC in RDF The description as a (simplified) RDF graph.
dc:creator “b128935” Elaine Svenonius dc:publisher MIT Press dc:identifier dc:date 2000 dc:title “The Intellectual...” dc:language English dc:type text

28 Creating a FRBR-compliant description
The RDF graph on the previous slide is not consistent with FRBR. Why not?

29 FRBR group 1 entity-relationship model
FRBR entities include works, expressions, manifestations, and items. Chart from Tillet, 2004

30 FRBR Group 1 entity types
A work in the FRBR model is “a distinct intellectual or artistic creation.” An expression is analogous to a text: “the intellectual or artistic realization of a work” in a form, be it textual, sound, image, musical notation, whatever. The expression encompasses the intellectual but not the physical form (e.g., typeface and layout are not part of the expression). A manifestation in FRBR is the realization of an expression in a physical medium. The same expression can be embodied in different manifestations. All copies that are produced as part of the same set are the same manifestation. An item in FRBR refers to the actual physical copy of a manifestation.

31 Creating a FRBR-based description
In order to fit our description to the FRBR conceptual model, we need to express facts about the attributes we’re using and the types of things we’re dealing with. We need a notation that interoperates with RDF. RDF Schema provides a language for describing RDF vocabularies. What follows is based on the RDF vocabulary for FRBR published here:

32 FRBR in RDFS -- Classes Work Endeavor Item Expression Manifestation
subClassOf subClassOf Work Item subClassOf subClassOf Expression Manifestation ResponsibleEntity subClassOf subClassOf Person if A is a subclass of B then all instances of A are also instances of B Corporate Body

33 FRBR in RDFS -- Properties
Endeavor subClassOf subClassOf Work Item subClassOf subClassOf domain range isExemplifiedBy isRealizedBy domain Expression Manifestation range domain isEmbodiedBy range if the domain of the property P is D then for every P(x,y), x  D if the domain of the property P is R then for every P(x,y), y  R

34 FRBR in RDFS -- More Properties
Endeavor range ResponsibleEntityOf subClassOf subClassOf Work subClassOf Item subClassOf domain range range Manifestation domain isRealizedBy range isExemplifiedBy domain Expression CreatorOf range domain domain isEmbodiedBy range ResponsibleEntity domain ProducerOf subClassOf subClassOf Person Corporate Body

35 FRBR in RDFS -- Sub-Properties
RelatedEndeavor Endeavor range ResponsibleEntityOf subClassOf subClassOf Work subClassOf Item subClassOf domain range range Manifestation domain RealizedBy range ExemplifiedBy domain Expression CreatorOf range domain domain EmbodiedBy range ResponsibleEntity domain ProducerOf subClassOf subClassOf Person Corporate Body if P is a subproperty of Q then whenever P(x,y) holds, Q(x,y) holds.

36 FRBR in RDFS with RDF instance
ResponsibleEntityOf RelatedEndeavor range domain ResponsibleEntity Endeavor domain subClassOf domain ProducerOf subClassOf CreatorOf subClassOf subClassOf range range Item subClassOf Work Corporate Body Person subClassOf range Manifestation domain ExemplifiedBy domain Expression RealizedBy range range domain EmbodiedBy EmbodiedBy w128935 RealizedBy ExemplifiedBy m128935 e128935 i128935

37 FRBR in RDFS with RDF instance
ResponsibleEntityOf RelatedEndeavor range domain ResponsibleEntity Endeavor domain subClassOf domain ProducerOf subClassOf CreatorOf subClassOf range Item range subClassOf Work Corporate Body Person subClassOf range subClassOf Manifestation domain ExemplifiedBy domain Expression RealizedBy range range domain EmbodiedBy type type type type w128935 RealizedBy EmbodiedBy ExemplifiedBy e128935 i128935 m128935

38 FRBR in RDFS with RDF instance
ResponsibleEntityOf RelatedEndeavor range domain ResponsibleEntity Endeavor domain subClassOf domain ProducerOf subClassOf CreatorOf subClassOf range Item range subClassOf Work subClassOf Corporate Body range subClassOf Manifestation Person domain ExemplifiedBy domain Expression RealizedBy range range type type domain EmbodiedBy type type type type Elaine Svenonius MIT Press CreatorOf ProducerOf type EmbodiedBy w128935 RealizedBy ExemplifiedBy e128935 m128935 i128935 type Karen Wickett Owns

39 A-Box and T-Box In artificial intelligence and knowledge representation systems there is a notion of separation between the A-Box and T-Box. The A-Box is assertional and contains information about individuals, their attributes and relationships. also called a world description. The T-Box is terminological and contains information about the vocabulary -- domains and ranges of properties, constraints on relationships, class/subclass structure

40 T-Box and A-Box T-BOX A-BOX Work ResponsibleEntity Endeavor Item
ResponsibleEntityOf RelatedEndeavor range domain ResponsibleEntity Endeavor T-BOX domain subClassOf domain ProducerOf subClassOf CreatorOf subClassOf range Item range subClassOf Work subClassOf Corporate Body range subClassOf Manifestation Person domain ExemplifiedBy domain Expression RealizedBy range range type type domain EmbodiedBy type type type type Elaine Svenonius MIT Press CreatorOf ProducerOf A-BOX type EmbodiedBy w128935 RealizedBy ExemplifiedBy e128935 m128935 i128935 type Karen Wickett Owns

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