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2 He, his father, and his brother worked with gunpowder.

3 One day, his brother died in an accident with gunpowder.

4 When his brother died, Alfred proposed himself invent one form to control de gunpowder: he invent the dynamite.

5 The dynamite made Alfred millonarie, but some persons used it in the wars.

6 Alfred Nobel died of heart attack, when he was in San Remo, Italy
Alfred Nobel died of heart attack, when he was in San Remo, Italy. And he died the 10 of december of 1869. Alfred Nobel

7 Nobel in his will, left part of his fortune to his family, and another to create a foundation to provide a series of annual awards to people who would echo most benefit to humankind in physics, medicine, economics, literature, and peace.

8 Argentinian Nobels Awards

9 Bernardo Alberto Houssay

10 César Milstein

11 Luis Federico Leloir

12 Adolfo Perez Esquivel

13 Carlos Saavedra Lamas

14 The end

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