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Presentation on theme: "Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2 What the Bible says about…
Social Drinking What the Bible says about… John 2:1-11 1st Miracle ~ Water to wine Is it all right to drink in moderation? Does the Bible condemn social drinking?

3 What about Social Drinking?
Lesson Plan Water to Wine ~ John 2:1-11 “Wine” does not always mean an alcoholic drink Why social drinking is unacceptable

4 Water to Wine John 2:1-11 Did Jesus make an intoxicant ?
What really happened ? Miracle = speeded up process “Oinos” ~ alcoholic ? context

5 Water to Wine John 2:1-11 Self-contradictory theory
Approve social drinking ~ Condemn drunkenness 1 Pet. 4:3 “excess of wine” ~ Eph.5:18 “excess” “Well Drunk” ~ Jn.2:10 = Drunk? Dilemma ~ Jesus guilty of sin ? Heb. 4:15 “without sin” 1 Pet.2: “did no sin”

6 Water to Wine John 2:1-11 Self-contradictory theory
Jesus wine was better Was it more potent ? NO ! Accuses Jesus of Sin

7 Water to Wine John 2:1-11 “When men have well drunk” Drunk largely
Psalms 23:5 “my cup runneth over”

8 Water to Wine John 2:1-11 “Good wine” Assume it means intoxicating
Flavor known immediately If drunk they could not tell anything about the flavor

9 Water to Wine John 2:1-11 Drunkenness “To begin to be softened”
Degrees of drunkenness Begins with 1st drink

10 Water to Wine John 2:1-11 Object of Miracle
“Make known glory of God” v.11 Jesus did good ~Acts 10:38 “Holy, harmless, undefiled” Heb.7:27

11 “Wine” Not always alcoholic
Different Words most common Hebrew ~ Yayin & Tirosch Greek ~ Oinos Sometimes condemned Sometimes approved

12 “Wine” Not always alcoholic
Condemned Prov. 20:1 Prov. 23:31 Ps. 75:8 Approved Ps.104:15 Isa.65:8 Isa.55:1 Must Look at Context

13 “Wine” (Greek: Oinos) Fermented Unfermented (Alcohol Content)
Eph. 5:18 “drunk with wine” Unfermented (No Alcohol Content) Mark 2:22 “new wine in new bottles”

14 Why social drinking is wrong
Drunkards cannot enter heaven Gal. 5:19-21 I Cor.6:10

15 Why social drinking is wrong
Why does God condemn it ? Causes heartaches Drunk drivers Homes ruined Suicide Murders


17 Why social drinking is wrong
Could a Christian drink beer in the privacy of his home ? Contradiction Bible condemns drinking alcohol Drunk = “To begin to be softened” Begins with first drink !

18 Why social drinking is wrong
Drinking alcoholic beverages is sinful and deadly ! The difference between a social drinker and a drunkard is only a difference of degree, not a difference of kind.

19 Lord’s Supper Never called “wine” “Cup” ~ Mt. 26:27 - 29
“Fruit of the vine” ~ Mk.14:23-25

20 ALCOHOL Is a Poison Toxic – intoxicate means to poison
Intoxicated = poisoned It is always a poison no matter how small the amount

21 Rom. 12:1 Bodies given by God Serve God through our bodies
We must keep our bodies clean and healthy “Abstain from all appearance of evil” 1 Thes. 5:21

22 Alcohol destroys... Our brain Our family Our lives Our Soul


24 Nelson Chapel Church of Christ
5039 Six Mile Road Maryville, Tn August 27, 2017 Sermon by Arthur Pigman 2705 Druid Hill Dr. Maryville, Tn CCL

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