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College and Career Readiness Seminar Training

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Presentation on theme: "College and Career Readiness Seminar Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 College and Career Readiness Seminar Training
August 16, 2017 Jeanne Willard Director, College and Career Readiness & On-time Graduation Sarah Pewitt Facilitator, High School and Beyond Plan

2 Welcome! Let’s Get Started!
On your index card, write three things you learned about . . . the Everett Community College OR community colleges, generally OR postsecondary readiness OR anything else from yesterday! Then we’re going to mingle and share!

3 Agenda Welcome New This Year and Reminders Planning Time Closing
CCRS Overview High School and Beyond Plan and Naviance College and Career Readiness Units Moodle Ins-and-Outs CCRS Topics Managing the CCRS Classroom Connecting the Community to CCRS Financial Literacy Standards Planning Time Closing

4 New This Year and Reminders
Naviance tools Letters of recommendation College profiles AP and SAT test prep Coalition for Access & Affordability, “Coalition” New type of application process New symbol in Naviance Similar to print-only schools FAFSA opens October 1 High School and Beyond Plan Survey Seniors complete survey one time before May Seniors complete survey a second time in May or June More resources Supplementary lessons available

5 High School and Beyond Plan And Naviance

6 High School and Beyond Plan
Washington State high school graduation requirement High School and Beyond Plan is our college and career requirement Students complete the High School and Beyond Plan Survey two times during senior year Jeanne Complete a High School and Beyond Plan The High School and Beyond Plan is a graduation requirement. It's a collection of written documents designed to help students think about their future and choose coursework that prepares them for their goals after high school. Starting in middle school, students work with their families and school staff to create their High School and Beyond Plan based on their own Personalized Pathway Requirement. They continue to revise their plan each year throughout high school as their interests or goals change. Elements  The High School & Beyond Plan could include: The student's interests and abilities, and the relationship to his/her current career goals; A four-year plan for high school courses aligned to high school graduation requirements; A list of exams the student needs to graduate from high school and for post-secondary goals (ACT, SAT, etc.); Research on postsecondary programs related to the student's goals; A completed resume or activity log; A budget for life after high school; and Demonstration of preparedness through presentation of the plan.

7 High School and Beyond Plan
Naviance High School and Beyond Plan = Jeanne

8 Scope and Sequence Scope and sequence, grades 6-12
Naviance Family Connection serves as High School and Beyond Plan portfolio Student-facing lessons Sarah

9 Accessible Lessons Each grade level has specific lessons and tasks to complete Lessons are facilitated by counselors in grades 6-11 and by CCRS teachers in grade 12 Lessons are student-facing Students access lessons through grade level pages in Naviance Family Connection Sarah

10 How Lessons Are Organized
Links to Naviance Family Connection Learning outcomes Step-by-step directions with screenshots Lesson review “Complete the lesson” Sarah

11 College and Career Readiness Seminar

12 Course Sequence College and Career Readiness Seminar
One Semester – Fall or Spring Unit 1 Developing My High School and Beyond Plan Unit 2 Defining My Personal Path Unit 3 Exploring My Personal Finances The units do not need to be taught in sequential order. Plan for what works best for your students.

13 College and Career Readiness Seminar
Unit 1 Developing My High School and Beyond Plan Unit 2 Defining My Personal Path Unit 3 Exploring My Personal Finances Jeanne

14 Unit 1 Developing My High School and Beyond Plan

15 Unit 1 Developing My High School and Beyond Plan
Unit 1 Lessons Lesson 1 – Career Exploration Lesson 5 – Job Interview Lesson 8 - FAFSA Lesson 2 - Resume Lesson 6 – College and Technical College Exploration Lesson 9 – Scholarship Application Lesson 3 – Cover Letter Lesson 7 – College Applications Lesson 10 – High School and Beyond Plan Lesson 4 – Job Application High School and Beyond Survey

16 My High School and Beyond Plan Survey
College and Career Readiness Seminar course “final” task Seniors complete one time in CCRS course Survey updated by seniors in May and June 15 survey questions Postsecondary plans Reflective responses Contact information for graduate follow-up survey Jeanne

17 Unit 2 Defining My Personal Path
Sarah Where did this unit come from? What was the experience of creating this unit? Where did we pull from? What were the a-ha’s?

18 Roadtrip Nation

19 Unit 2 Defining My Personal Path
Unit 2 Lessons Lesson 1 – Finding My Way Through the Noise Lesson 2 – Connecting Foundation and Interests Lesson 3 – Leaders with Similar Roads Lesson 4 – Plotting and Planning Lesson 5 – Roadtrip Interview

20 Unit 3 Exploring My Personal Finances
Sarah What did we learn as we wrote these lessons?

21 Unit 3 Exploring My Personal Finances
Unit 3 Lessons Lesson 1 – Investigating Income and Defining Your Relationship to Money Lesson 5 – Why Should I Save? Lesson 8 – Cost of Credit Lesson 2 – Budget Basics Lesson 6 – How Will I Pay for a Large Purchase? Lesson 9 – Cautious Consumers Lesson 3 – Purchasing a Car Lesson 7 – How Can I Retire a Millionaire? Lesson 10 – Investing in Your Future Lesson 4 – Completing Your Budget My Financial Plan TED Talk Studio Days

22 Data & Monitoring Jeanne

23 Weekly Monitoring SPAM! Spreadsheets emailed each Friday
Spreadsheets include summary of logins and task completion aligned to scope and sequence Sarah Talk about how you create the data Talk about how you send the data out and how it is communicated Big a-ha – no one reads their , growing the “value” of the data

24 Additional Monitoring
Spreadsheets include FAFSA completion data and college application summaries Additional targeted data provided to teams to target specific groups of students Sarah Students who complete the FAFSA are much more likely to apply and attend college Spring – how many have applied? Target groups

25 Naviance and Moodle Follow these steps to access Naviance Family Connection and Moodle from any internet connection. Go to the Everett Public Schools website Go to Students Click on High School and Beyond Plan or Moodle *Locate and click the link to your school to log in

26 Stay Up to Date by Following…
@EPSNAV epsnav EPS Naviance Get the most current updates without logging in! Instant notifications and Naviance information comes directly to you! See what is happening around our district with Naviance!

27 Ins-and-Outs of Moodle
Sign in to Moodle Teacher Directions for Setting Moodle Enrollment Key Student Directions for Enrolling in Your Moodle Class (College and Career Readiness Seminar)

28 Planning Time

29 Log in to Naviance (as a Student)
Click here: Naviance Family Connection Sequoia HS Enter your student user name: first name + test (e.g., “jeannetest”) Enter your password: test2017 Voila!

30 College and Career Readiness Seminar in Docushare
THANK YOU! College and Career Readiness Seminar in Docushare

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