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Quantum Mechanics Reference: Concepts of Modern Physics “A. Beiser”

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1 Quantum Mechanics Reference: Concepts of Modern Physics “A. Beiser”
Reference: Concepts of Modern Physics “A. Beiser” 1 1

2 Compton Effect In 1923, Compton while studying the scattering of X-rays by a block of graphite observed that two types of X- rays were found in scattered rays. One, whose wavelength is same as that of incident X-rays and other, whose wavelength is greater than that of incident X-rays. This difference in wavelength called Compton shift which depends on scattering angle and this effect is known as Compton Effect. Compton effect is the outcome of collision between the high energy photon and free e-.






8 Compton effect (h/m0c) is known as Compton wavelength of the scattering particle. For an electron it is Å. This phenomenon gives a very strong evidence in support of the quantum theory of radiation. Observe the difference in wavelength for various values of .

9 Q4. Why Compton effect not observed with visible light.
Quest: Q1: An x-ray photon is scattered by an electron. The frequency of the scattered photon relative to that of the incident photon (a) increases, (b) decreases, or (c) remains the same. Ans: (b) Q2. A photon of energy E0 strikes a free electron. The scattered photon with energy E moves in opposite direction that of the incident photon. In this Compton effect interaction, the resulting kinetic energy of the electron is (a) E0 , (b) E , (c) E0  E , (d) E0 + E , (e) none of the above. Ans: (c) Q3. Deduce the expression for the maximum kinetic energy of the recoiled electron. Q4. Why Compton effect not observed with visible light. Q5. Explain the presence of unmodified scattered radiation along with modified radiations for non zero scattering angle.

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