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Incorporating LMI into Career Guidance – A Practical Approach

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1 Incorporating LMI into Career Guidance – A Practical Approach
Donna Cornell E:

2 The aim of this session is to:
Demonstrate how LMI can be used to support career planning – a case study approach

3 Case Study 1 Taylor is an amateur photographer who is now looking to earn a living from his photography.

4 Case Study 1 Creative Industries - The Facts
1 in 30 people employed in Creative Industries in the North East compared to 1 in 11 in London Around 2,000 people are employed in the North East under the heading ‘Film, TV, Radio and Photography’ Creative industries has a higher rate of freelance employment than most other sectors (not included in the official employment figures) Almost 95% of creative businesses employ fewer than 10 people Around 60% of jobs in the creative industries are filled by people who hold a degree level qualification

5 What are your initial thoughts about Taylor’s career choice?
Talking Point What are your initial thoughts about Taylor’s career choice?

6 Questions to Consider How accessible are photography jobs in the North East? Does Taylor have the relevant skill set to access the vacancies? How can Taylor learn about vacancies in the ‘hidden jobs market’? Is there a Plan B? What is Taylor’s timeline for achieving this career goal?

7 Your Tool Kit Creative Industries Sector Factsheet
National Careers Service Website – Job Profiles The information provided can be used to support Taylor to think creatively about how to access vacancies, whilst also demonstrating that opportunities may not be as accessible as in other industries. See Summary of Guidance

8 Case Study 2 Grace is currently employed on a part time, casual basis in a bar. She is now looking for a ‘career’ rather than a just a job but has no idea what she wants to do.

9 What would your initial approach be to support Grace?
Talking Point What would your initial approach be to support Grace?

10 Questions to Consider Skills Motivations Preferences Interests
Educational Achievement Barriers Labour Market Information

11 Career Matching Tools Skills Health Check – National Careers Service website Buzz Quiz available at:

12 Results of initial exploration
Grace enjoys problem solving and handling competing priorities She does not want a ‘9-5’ office job She is willing to relocate for the right opportunity but would prefer to stay in the North East She would consider further and higher education She achieved excellent grades in Maths and English at secondary school Sustainable employment is very important to her not just a job for now Her Skills Health Check suggested she explore careers in Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Construction

13 Your Tool Kit National Careers Service website – job profiles
NELEP Strategic Plan Sector Factsheets COGS - Challenging Occupational Gender Stereotyping (IPAD app)

14 Summary Career Goal: Engineer in the Renewable Energies Sector
You provided Grace with a sector factsheet on Renewable Energies which included information on local employers and entry routes She was inspired by the case studies via the COGS app on women succeeding in traditional male dominated industries She has confidence in job sustainability given the target to increase the share of energy consumption through renewables (Sector Factsheet) and the inclusion of Energy in the Strategic Economic Plan She will continue to work part time to support herself whilst she returns to study

15 The aim of this session was to:
Demonstrate how LMI can be used to support career planning – a case study approach

16 Any Questions

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