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America and the War From Neutrality to War.

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Presentation on theme: "America and the War From Neutrality to War."— Presentation transcript:

1 America and the War From Neutrality to War

2 Essential Question How did America get involved in World War I?
America and the War Essential Question How did America get involved in World War I?

3 America’s Attitude for War
Isolationist Neutral Not wanting to get involved in what is happening in other countries Not taking sides in a disagreement

4 America’s Attitude for War
America had pledged to stay Neutral because… Many Americans sided with the Allies because…. President Wilson wanted to help the Allies because…. Most Americans didn’t want to get into an overseas war. America had ties to England through culture, language and family. Wilson saw a German victory as harmful to the entire world. He wanted democracy to spread around the world not Autocracy.

5 America’s Attitude for War
How did America help the Allies? Traded only with Great Britain. Gave billions of dollars ($$$$$$$) in loans to Britain and France.

6 America Brought Into War
Essential Question What events caused America to enter World War I?

7 America Brought Into War
Germany was using U-Boats or submarines to sink ships bringing aid to Britain. The tactic is called: Unrestricted Submarine Warfare When U-Boats would sink any ship, military or civilian, without warning if it was believed that it was carrying weapons.

8 America Brought Into War
The Lusitania British passenger ship. Sunk by German U-Boat on May 7, 1915. 1,000 people died, including 128 Americans

9 America Brought Into War
A painting depicting the sinking of the Lusitania A Copy of The New York Times announcing the sinking of the Lusitania

10 America Brought Into War
The sinking of the Lusitania caused… Congress to start increasing the size of the Army and building new warships. Germany promised to warn neutral before attacking. More Americans mistrust Germany

11 America Brought Into War
German U-Boat torpedoes a passenger ferry, the Sussex. About 50 people are killed, none are American. President Wilson threatens to declare war on Germany if they continue to target non-military ships. The Sussex Pledge May 4, 1916

12 America Brought Into War
What it said: Passenger ships would not be targeted. Cargo ships would be sunk only if weapons are on board. Cargo ships would not be sunk until the passengers and crew were allowed to get off. The Sussex Pledge May 4, 1916

13 End Of Neutrality In January 1917 Germany revised its policy on submarine warfare and declared it would sink on sight all merchant vessels, armed or unarmed, sailing to allied ports. President Wilson broke off diplomatic relations with Germany.

14 End of Neutrality A few weeks later a secret telegram was intercepted by the British government. The document was called the Zimmermann Telegram Sent to Mexico from Germany Asking Mexico for its support in the war and telling them that they could regain parts of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.

15 The End of Neutrality The Zimmermann Telegram said……
“We shall make war together and together make peace…And it is understood that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona.”


17 The End of Neutrality Revolution in Russia
Russian people overthrow the Monarchy and establish a temporary government that promised to have free elections President Wilson uses this to clam that the war was a war against Autocracy.

18 America Declares War April 2nd, 1917 President Wilson stood before a special session of congress to ask for a declaration of war against Germany. On April 6th Congress signed the declaration on war.

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