Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

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1 Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface
ROOT-PVSS Connection Current Status Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

2 Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface
Introduction Interface that allows PVSS data to be displayed using ROOT, permitting all analytical functions that are available in ROOT Motivation Features and implementation of the interface Examples – including demonstration Future plans Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

3 Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface
Motivation Limited PVSS functionality Zoom impractical Histogramming difficult to use Exclusively data from PVSS No possibility to fit curve NOTE: This has been and is being improved Physicists familiar with ROOT ROOT is a very powerful analysis tool Possibility for parallel data sources Multiple PVSS systems Could include DAQ data, for example This is not implemented in the current version Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

4 Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface
Basic features Based on TCP/IP Any number of ROOT clients can connect to one PVSS project Trend Plots: From a specified time in the past to present (updating) From a time in past to another time in past (since--until) Histograms ROOT Macros can be used No configuration necessary on PVSS side Windows and Linux Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

5 Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface
ROOT - PVSS Small API Manager (GetArc) Only ~40 Kb GetArc Manager ROOT classes PVSS Viewer Macros Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

6 Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface
PVSS TCP Manager Pass data point names or aliases using pattern (dpNames) Take data for defined period and pass to a client (dpGetPeriod) Send data on change (dpConnect) Send single datapoint value (dpGet) Currently limited to integer, float and boolean Standard PVSS functionality used Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

7 Class Structure ‘Normal’ trend Histograph Retrieve single value Retrieve DP names with pattern Display data from start time to end time Trend with 2-dimensional ‘surface’ Display data from start time and update Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

8 Example: Two Graphs/Curves
{ // This script explains how the PVSS-ROOT class set is used gROOT->Reset(); gSystem.Load(“PVSSAccess.dll”); gBenchmark->Start("hclient"); ct = new TCanvas("ct","Time on axis",10,10,700,500); // Define Main Canvas TDatime start(" :35:00"),end(" :45:00"); // Define Time Interval char *dp = "ELMB/LaR/ELMB_1/AI/NTC_40.value"; // Data point name 1 char *dp1 = "ELMB/LaR/ELMB_1/AI/NTC_41.value"; // Data point name 2 time_t t = start.Convert(); // Convert to time_t format time_t e = end.Convert(); TPVSSAccess *sock = new TPVSSAccess("",4242); // Connect to PVSS PVSSViews *pvss = new PVSSGraphViews(ct,"Test"); // Define View // Define two Graphs/Curves on one view/trend PVSSGraph *gr = new PVSSGraph(sock,dp, t,e,pvss); PVSSGraph *gr1 = new PVSSGraph(sock,dp1, t,e,pvss); pvss->insertTransaction(gr); pvss->insertTransaction(gr1); int rlen = sock->GetTimePeriod(gr); // Obtain data for first data point int rlen1 = sock->GetTimePeriod(gr1); // For the second pvss->drawTransaction(); gBenchmark->Show("hclient"); } Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

9 Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface
Example: 2D Graphs { gROOT->Reset(); gBenchmark->Start("hclient"); gSystem.Load("PVSSAccess.dll"); ct = new TCanvas("ct","Time on axis",10,10,700,500); // Main Canvas TDatime start(" :00:00"),end(" :00:00"); // Define Time Interval char **dpNames; char *dpw = "*Dubna_11?.Temperature.value"; // Data point using pattern char *dpt = ""; // Data point type int len, rlen; time_t t = start.Convert(); // Convert to time_t format time_t e = end.Convert(); TPVSSAccess *sock = new TPVSSAccess("",4242); // Connect to PVSS int tr = sock->GetDpNames(dpw,dpt,len,&dpNames); // Get DP name from PVSS PVSSGraph2DViews *v = new PVSSGraph2DViews(ct,"Test"); // Open View v->SetOption("surf1"); for (int i = 0; i < len-3; i++) { // Open Trends cout << dpNames[i] << endl; PVSSGraph *gr = new PVSSGraph(sock,dpNames[i], t,e,v); rlen = sock->GetTimePeriod(gr); // Obtain data from data point } v->drawTransaction(); gBenchmark->Show("hclient"); Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

10 Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface
2D Graph Display Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

11 Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface
Example: Trends { // This is an example to open trends gROOT->Reset(); gSystem.Load("PVSSAccess.dll"); gBenchmark->Start("hTrend"); ct = new TCanvas("ct","Time on axis",10,10,700,500); // Open canvas char **dpNames; char *dpw = // Data point alias pattern char *dpt = "FwElmbAi"; // Data point type int len; TPVSSAccess *sock = new TPVSSAccess("",4242); // Connect to PVSS int rr = sock->GetDpNames(dpw,dpt,len,&dpNames); // Take DP name from PVSS PVSSGraphViews *v = new PVSSGraphViews(ct,"Test"); // Open View for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { // Open Trends cout << dpNames[i] << endl; PVSSTrend *tr = new PVSSTrend(sock,dpNames[i],1800); v->insertTransaction(tr); sock->OpenTrend(tr); } v->startRefresh(5000); Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

12 Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface
Example: Histogram { gROOT->Reset(); gSystem.Load("PVSSAccess.dll"); gBenchmark->Start("hclient"); TDatime start(" :00:00"),end(" :00:00"); char *dp = "ELMB/LaR/ELMB_1/AI/ai_0.value"; // DP name time_t t = start.Convert(); // Start interval time_t e = end.Convert(); // End Interval double *res,*dd; TPVSSAccess *sock = new TPVSSAccess("",4242); // Connect to PVSS int len; int rlen = sock->GetTimePeriod(dp,t,e,len,res,dd); // Get Data ctt1 = new TCanvas("ctt1","Time on axis",10,10,700,500); gt = new TH1F("elmb_counts","This is ELMB counts distribution",100,61900,61950); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { gt.Fill(res[i]); // Fill Histogram } gt->SetTitle("ELMB/LaR/ELMB_1/AI/ai_5"); ctt1->SetFillColor(41); ctt1->SetFrameFillColor(33); gt->SetFillColor(19); gt->SetLineColor(5); gt->SetLineWidth(2); gt->Draw("AL"); gPad->Modified(); gBenchmark->Show("hclient"); Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

13 PPPViewer 14.04.2005 Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface
Datapoint name and type selection (allowing use of pattern) Menu to allow connection to be set Data display area Datapoint names displayed here Time interval selection Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

14 Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface
Practical Remarks Can be downloaded from: Root installation – IMPORTANT Developed with Version 4.03/02 For Windows Visual Studio version Delete LibNew Install suitable .DLL (for Visual Studio version) Full instructions on ROOT web site Read them! PVSS00GetArc Configuration [tcp] tcpServerSocket = 4242 Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

15 Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface
Future Plans Manager Convert aliases to data point names and vice versa Extend data point types allowed when reading a single value e.g. dyn_string Viewer Several pads in pppViewer Save and Load selected datapoint list Improve datapoint display and selection Tree structure like Hardware or Logical View Active X component Can be displayed in PVSS panels Configuration of display on PVSS side PVSSAccess library XY Graphs Signal/Slot event Would allow for a ‘trigger’ Other data types (string, dyn_string,..) More than one connection Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

16 Relation plots (value vs. value)
Only one pair of values can be plotted at a time Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

17 Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface
Application Protocol Request Header Time Start End To PVSS Answer Header Data Timestamps Data Point name ROOT Command Handler Length Data Type Slava Filimonov & Jim Cook, PVSS - ROOT Interface

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