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Presentation on theme: "SEPARATION DESCRIBED AS CLASSIFICATION"— Presentation transcript:

quality vs. value of main feature (for one or different products)

2 Elements of analysis of separation
Components: feed [e.g. ], products [e.g. ], primary component [e.g. fraction], secondary components [eg.mineral] Features: quality, quantity, value of main feature C [e.g size], other features ($ value, magntic field, etc.)

3 separation other features main value
(is based on components, their features and field, space, time) main value Components properties (features) other features

4 upgrading separation quality vs. quantity (+ name) for one component
main value quality vs. quantity (+ name) for one component TiO2 (+ other features) quality vs. qunantity (+ name) for many or all components (names)

5 quality vs. value of the main feature
classification separation quality vs. value of the main feature (for all components =fractions) (names are not used) (one quantity) value (+ other features) quality vs. value of the main feature for all components and different quantities of products

6 Determination of yields - useful for calculation of such parameter as recovery

7 feature value quantity quality

8 Classification balance

9 feed, A, B   feed, A, B c ,  - constant
Classification curves A. Principal curves feed, A, B  feed, A, B ,  - constant c

10 Classification: l=f(c)
Frequency curves - histograms Classification: l=f(c)

11 Classification: l=f(c)
Frequency curves Classification: l=f(c)

12 Classification: l=f(c) No separation
Frequency curves Classification: l=f(c) No separation

13 Classification: l=f(c) Ideal separation
Frequency curves Classification: l=f(c) Ideal separation

14 Classification: l=f(c) Real separation
Frequency curves Classification: l=f(c) Real separation

15 Distribution curves Classification: Sl=f(c)

16 Distribution curves -no separation
Classification: Sl=f(c)

17 Distribution curves -real separation
Classification: Sl=f(c)

18 Distribution curves -ideal separation
Classification: Sl=f(c)

19 Partition curves Classification: e=f(c)

20 Partition curve Classification: e=f(c)

21 Characterization of partition curve:
d50 and Ep, O, N or others Ep=probable error = (c=75%- c=25%))/2 O = sharpness of separation = c=75%/c=25% N = slope of linear part of the curve



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